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05/26/10 7:33 PM

#126555 RE: Ninja7 #126554

Mods -- I think this post with these links belongs in a sticky somewhere -- perhaps in an updated version of the DD sticky at the top?

Ninja -- great post! I've seen the deep capture movie before, and even though it is long I hope everyone takes the time to watch. And that other thread was very informative as well.

Again, thanks for the great post. Absolutely worth the person mark I just gave you!


05/26/10 7:57 PM

#126563 RE: Ninja7 #126554

Excellent points Ninja7. Good post.


05/26/10 7:59 PM

#126564 RE: Ninja7 #126554

Good info- PM for you!


05/26/10 8:12 PM

#126565 RE: Ninja7 #126554

Great Post!

PM for you


05/26/10 8:33 PM

#126568 RE: Ninja7 #126554

On the daytrader link you posted, I read these two lines and it certainly doesn't look pretty.

1."The hedge funds and MM can not cover their short positions and if forced to it would pose a systemic risk to our economy..."

2."But remember if a company goes out of business the hedge fund\mm never has to cover their position.."

The MM's may not be required to cover after all. These OTC/BB Boards are hardly regulated to high standards and don't you think the MM's can get away with all the crap?? I mean they are doing this on literally every decent stock that is trading out there. The SEC is least bothered.


05/26/10 8:36 PM

#126569 RE: Ninja7 #126554

Your post is most appreciated, Ninja7, thank you. PM for you!

Craig Baker

05/26/10 8:41 PM

#126571 RE: Ninja7 #126554

Fantastic post Ninja as always bud. Now bring on the people that say this doesn't take place when it is so deeply spread accross THE ENTIRE MARKET right under the SEC's nose. IF they do not want to enforce their own rules and regulations reguarding "BLATANT NAKED SHORT SELLING" of small business's company stock, then by GOD we will help them out in the enforcement!!!! It starts right here and right now. The lesson's that will be learned from this point on starting with this very stock is this:

If you want to naked short sell a security, then you go right ahead conducting your criminal activities on other stocks because if you mess with the companies that THIS TEAM is in, then there will be hell to pay plus some.

It's my HOPE that the SEC/FINRA take drastic steps to curb naked short selling because it absolutely does not help our economy, it hurts it tremendously and it kills small business's accross this country that make up about 70% of our jobs. LEGIT short selling is a natural part of the market place and has it's own personal seat at the table in my book because it keeps companies honest and it keeps the markets in check. BUT ILLEGAL NAKED SHORT SELLING is basically walking down the street and some guy comes over to you and points a gun in your face and robs you completely blind right there on the street in front of everyone. There is no difference in the theft!! One used a gun and one used a computer but reguardless of how they did it, IT WAS THEFT NONE THE LESS.

When a company has a float (tradeable shares) of 65 million shares and we own 100.2 million shares, of course there is naked shorting going on in this security. Of course bashers will flock to the scene of the crime to protect their butt's from getting caught in a short squeeze. Of course they will do anything and everything they can to persuade folks to sell out because they need your shares. Of course it's AROUND THE CLOCK COVERAGE of message boards in the hopes of emotionally punching a newbie trader to drop his shares and run to the hills. It's criminal but yet here we are every single day. Never mind that a basher will tell a blatant lie to persuade the mass's. Heaven forbid legal action is taken on a basher that makes false statements about a company and it's management.

The bottom line is this: this float is locked, we are holding, we are buying, and we are not going to sell until we get what we want. MM's, brokers, hedgefunds, etc took out these bets against this stock and now it's time to find out who wins.

MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS, if you think the SEC isn't watching this stock right now, then you are seriously delusional. My advice to a short position here right now, is you better cover soon or IT WILL HURT BAD! I hope they keep shorting this because I don't care how long it takes to squeeze these pigs, they will be squeezed one way or another!!! MARK THIS FREAKING POST............ Later peeps.


05/26/10 9:12 PM

#126582 RE: Ninja7 #126554

nice post sir, thank you !
I'd person mark you again for that if I could :)


05/26/10 11:24 PM

#126615 RE: Ninja7 #126554

excellent post!! PM for you!!


05/27/10 11:20 PM

#127272 RE: Ninja7 #126554

Absolutely outstanding. People mark. Best video I've seen in a long time.