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05/25/10 5:21 PM

#184358 RE: LC-GATOR #184354

Yup Clint sold some shares and put the money into the company. That is kind of the way that it works if you have a business and you see that it is progressing but you need some cash to make sure that it succeeds. Do you think that he did something that he should not have been allowed to in order to make sure the company stayed funded?

If you take the time to read the DD sticky you will notice that there is a statement in there that refers to the fact that insiders will occassionally sell some shares so that is not some big surprise. I am sure that Clint would have rather held onto those shares but he did what he had to. I think that he will get the money back when Matthews kicks in. I know that you don't seem to have been following this a closely as you have in the past so I have to ask if you have read the 8K for the Matthews deal. Good stuff in there and I think that you will enjoy reading it since there is still time for you to get back in since it won't really start to kick in until the third quarter.

So yes the statement that company officers are foregoing salary is correct in my opinion. Since that was stated in a document filed with the SEC I don't think that any of the officers would risk perjury charges by putting a false statement in there, do YOU? Of course you don't!!!


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05/25/10 8:39 PM

#184366 RE: LC-GATOR #184354

Would you be happy if ETNL went Belly up? I mean as a trader what does that say? ON the short or long end of the stick we want companies to continue to trade as they go thru the growing pains of finding the path to success. Things can turn north as quick as they can south. Clint and crew came up with some pretty darn good products that represent some pretty important enities that provide new choices for final expense and laying to rest plans. The core business plan must still be ongoing, that doesn't mean there aren't road blocks and I feel this company will do what it must to get thru tough times. I wish them no ill and speak as supporter of their dreams and I don't wish to step on them, thats the stuff we build business on. If we think it was going to be a bowl of cherries to lauch and keep launched a specialty product line like this then we were mistaken. I pray they stay focused on the ball, keep doing deals that help the company and stay after it and it will happen for them. Its all belief at this point. imhodyodd..

Keep reaching for those ETNL stars as Heppie always says, its only 5/2010.