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05/24/10 5:22 PM

#32815 RE: valleytopdog #32812

Sad to hear one of our group passed,... he is in a far better place than this.... a place of HONEST MM's.

My condolences.



05/24/10 5:23 PM

#32816 RE: valleytopdog #32812

God Bless you John and Thank you Robert....the boards condolences to you. John will be watching down on NNVC.


05/24/10 5:36 PM

#32817 RE: valleytopdog #32812

I'm so sorry to hear that. My thoughts go out to you and family. He always provided meaningful posts and it was obvious he was a good man. I know that simply from his posts re: charity work, etc. He will be missed. Lung cancer took my MOM in 90 and when I gave her a final shot of morphine ( that HOSPICE provided ) she weighed 57 pounds. It was Christmas Eve and it was my gift to her. BTW, I'm a significant HOSPICE supporter. AN INCREDIBLE ORGANIZATION ! GOD BLESS VALLEYTOPDOG !


05/24/10 5:46 PM

#32819 RE: valleytopdog #32812

Dear Robert,

Thank you for informing the board of the passing of your beloved brother. He was one of my favorite posters to this forum and I often looked forward to reading his posts. I'm sure I speak for this entire forum when I say our prayers and condolences go out to you and your family. Your brother will be missed for both his insight and his enthusiasm. As for you, Robert, don't be a stranger. Drop by once in a while, if only to say hi.

P.S. I will inform iHUB of this passing and they will affix an angel to his page.



05/24/10 5:57 PM

#32821 RE: valleytopdog #32812

Robert: Valley Top Dog

Thanks for the notice.

Maybe Nanoviricides will become commercialized soon enough for others and for Valley Top Dogs stock also.



05/24/10 6:33 PM

#32830 RE: valleytopdog #32812

Dear Robert,

Your post was like a punch in the stomach. I am so sorry for your family's loss.

He will be sorely missed here on our board. I had the good fortune to "meet" him on the phone not even two months ago. We had a great chat discussing the good Nanoviricides could do for the world. That sense of charity and duty to his fellow man was very strong in him. Something I admire immensely.

We had been comparing notes about how hard it was to get through to the HIV/Aids foundations here in LA and had begun to formulate a plan to try a different approach to getting the word out there to the people who could benefit from it most. We were supposed to be speaking I understand why.

John was thrilled with idea of volunteering at Dr. Harris' clinic in Nicaragua, too. I have no doubt he will be carrying on in the same spirit.

God bless John and his family. May he rest in peace. And may his family find the strength to soldier on without him here on Earth.

with my deepest condolences,

Carl aka Piecemaker


05/24/10 7:00 PM

#32833 RE: valleytopdog #32812

I want to associate myself with Dr. Feelgood's and others comments. May your brother rest in peace.

(And thank you for letting us know.)


05/24/10 8:42 PM

#32839 RE: valleytopdog #32812

I am also so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother John and that means so much to me that he wanted you to inform us of his passing. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care....

Patti Kimble


05/24/10 8:49 PM

#32840 RE: valleytopdog #32812

I am sorry for your loss, and am grateful to others on this board who have said so much to make me wish I had known your brother. There are never enough like him.


05/25/10 11:01 AM

#32921 RE: valleytopdog #32812

Dear Robert,
I am greatly saddened to hear about the sudden passing of your brother John. I commend you for the compassion you’ve shown the members here by allowing us to share in his honor at a time of great personal grief in your life. I know he is standing in awe of his new found surroundings in the heavens above. Prayers to you and your family while you await the coming day in which you will once again be united with your departed loved one. I take a moment of silence in remembrance of his valor and all that he gave and shared with each of us here. May he forever rest in peace.