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05/21/10 7:51 PM

#88250 RE: banyon #88249

i wish my caps lock worked that well!

couldn't have said it better. who gives a flying crap in the short term other than flippers?

its going to work out, or it won't. too many doubters.

i'll ride this for 10 years if i have to, but i believe it will succeed before then.

its better they figure it out now than when they are building the 5, 10, or bigger acre pbrs.

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05/21/10 10:04 PM

#88254 RE: banyon #88249

Yes there is a lot of negativity here unexpected even from some longs. At first when I got into Behl all I wanted to see was show me the money! I did not know a lot about algea . After doing DD I have learned more than ever. I have learned that there is so much assurance here that Behl will be a successful part of the algea business. I can trust in my own business experience working in many industries at many levels. I had expressed that at one time I worked in the food processing industry and Behl is sort of like the food processing industry. Behl cultivates the product and processes it using some of the same equipment (plumbing). Yes and they are engineer’s and scientist and they are designing the equipment to process the end result. Do not think for a minute that Kraft food company did not have scientist and engineer’s working for them and spent much time perfecting their product and equipment. This is normal to any industry. So why all the negativity. Behl is in business they have products to sell. Remember the other side to the equation we have someone right now working on an end product someone that even Mr. Negativity the insider failed to mention in his post. Domini Maddox Algae Specialist research products sponsored by Darpa. Do you think that this person did not research Behl and ask reputable people in the industry their opinion before she accepted the position at Behl. Domini has been working behind the scène on algea. Has this work stopped ? Behl sells algea as well as the PBR. What do you think may be cooking in the lab? Products that what I see cooking. We have no idea what has been achieved in such a short time. This is not going to drag out for years. These people are not here on vacation they want to make money and earn some recognition in the process. They are even more willing now to achieve all of the company goals. It was good of Mr. Negativity to take credit for Dr. Goodall’s introduction to us.
Dr Goodall told us:
The backyard PBR is a success, and it is giving us the opportunity to learn the system, tweak its performance, optimize operations and study various technical aspects – all important tasks that will assure optimum deployment of the all-important first commercial systems. To those sitting on the edge of their seats, I would say rest assured that we are a leader, we will be (I think) the first company to commercialize algae production in this new wave of photosynthetic algae technology (there are a handful of companies who have been in production for certain specialty markets going back a decade or more – but none of the new wave companies will beat us into the marketplace and for many commercialization is years away). Being a first mover brings big rewards, but also requires that you jump many hurdles and obstacles; this takes a little time.As the first commercial unit is up and running consistently, we can now essentially get out our cookie cutter and quickly deploy more commercial units, generating a healthy and robust return to our investors for many years to come.

The market we are targeting is large and has a healthy growth rate; once we have the technology and the market developed we can expand our focus to many other products in the same sector.