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05/21/10 3:38 PM

#130650 RE: doogdilinger #130649

There's dozens of growth stocks out there with zero liquidity and interest from the retail masses despite a stellar track record of initial success because the CEO's didn't know how to create stimulus in their stocks & therefore could never attract the next breeds of funders and/or investors it takes to truly utilize their public vehicles to the max of their potential.

Yes, I agree. You pretty much summed up my thoughts on that topic. I am just hoping Eric is not one of those CEO's.
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05/21/10 5:41 PM

#130658 RE: doogdilinger #130649

I think he's going to ramp up promotion efforts in 2010. But, we'll have to wait and see. Might be a good question for the conference call?

(From the last CC)
On Stock Promotion:
"Lets put it this way: I have a real burning desire that the world discover Winning Brands, and not just for product reasons, but I think we are an interesting company, and I think we are really going places, I think we'd be a great discovery, so I have all of the same reasons that you do to want more promotion. But, promotion has to be handled responsibly, and primarily what that means is that the awareness, the shareholder awareness programs that they are sometimes euphemistically called - in order avoid the accusation that they are about pumping the stock - these investor awareness programs, in my opinion, in order to be legitamate, have to be linked to a fundamental development in the company that is very very news-worthy and maybe even paradigm-shifting for the company. And I'll tell you why that's important because if we just do a promotion program in order to put winning brands in front of a lot of potential shareholder's eyeballs and then maybe they will buy some shares and generate some purchasing activity and maybe give us all a little bit more excitement -
the problem with that is when the promotion dries up, then the sort-of almost artificial "push" on the buy pressure ends, and the share price, having traveled up some distance because of this promotion will stall, and the share price will then fall, and that is not only a matter of significant legal issues, but its even on an ethical basis, not a proper way in which new shareholders should experience winning brands.So the point is that we will be making increasing use of investor awareness programs coupled with the increasing occurrence of significant events in our business life. You have to remember that earlier we have been in a kind of preparatory/initial operations stage, and there comes a point where its just not genuine to promote the stock for the sake of generating share purchasing without it being backed up by substantial business activity. One more technical point is this: that the authorities view active promotion programs by companies that do not provide adequate disclosure even more seriously than firms which are merely enthusiastic about spreading the word of their firm and HAVE posted adequate disclosure. So it's only now that winning brands is raising the bar of the level of disclosure that it provides, and this forms a TECHNICAL BASIS on which to be more assertive in our promotional programs."