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05/21/10 11:50 AM

#50856 RE: honestabe13 #50855

Maybe after the dump yesterday potential investors are afraid to get in and have the wash and rinse cycle repeat. It is obvious that if someone has the wherewithall, they can decimate the stock at will.


05/21/10 11:59 AM

#50858 RE: honestabe13 #50855

I hear ya, abe.

It's hard to know what to do and when to do it nowadays, particularly in a rigged market and with a company that has always seemed somewhat less than transparent.
At some point with this stock I think all (very) long-term investors come face to face with the same predicament you are in. I have too.

And Dia, yeah, you really got me there on that typo! That's what's important, right?


05/21/10 12:02 PM

#50859 RE: honestabe13 #50855


When we get the full data from all 3 trials we will have data on twice the number of patients that we had previously...and for a longer period of time. And we will be able to compare it to historic data for chemo alone and Avastin plus chemo. So far it has been superior to both in terms of safety and response rate...somewhat superior in PFS and hints that it will be better in Overall Survival. It is Overall Survival that will be most interesting.

Avastin's weaknesses are in Safety and Overall Survival. If Bavi plus chemo is superior to historic data of Avastin plus chemo in these two measures...Bavi will have a good look at cutting into Avastin's nearly $10 billion sales.

Meanwhile we must endure the games that are being played with the share price. But as been pointed only matters if you sell! IF THE DATA IS GOOD 10 DAYS FROM NOW...I WILL BE HOLDING FOR SEVERAL MORE YEARS.


05/21/10 12:07 PM

#50861 RE: honestabe13 #50855

I think that buyers are hesitant because of the "Dump" yesterday. No one knows if a second one is coming, or what precipitates it.

As an old news guy, I smell a rat. The timing of the dump was just before the release of good results. If not for yesterdays action, we would be up today.

How to kill a rally? The sword of Damocles!

The mother ship should have stepped up to protect the troops on the ground. IMHO

Other companies announce that, "they know of no reason for the downward movement."
I don't think this means that they do know, but they either should know, or make a statement.

Just my own frustrations bubbling to the surface.


05/21/10 2:26 PM

#50869 RE: honestabe13 #50855

Yup, everybody has a reason, except the obvious (which I believe is also the most likely)

There are more people who want to get rid of their shares than there are buyers.

Hence the price goes down.

How much depends on how many of each. Nothing sinister. No conspiracies. Nada...

Occam's Razor, boys, Occam's Razor.