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05/21/10 3:00 AM

#2179 RE: schaef #2178


You say -- your the pragmatist here and we are the idealists.

I would argue QUITE THE OPPOSITE. I am the pragmatist, you are the idealist. It is clear to me that little will ever come of my TATF trees in the form of monetary return, and possibly little in the form of lumber. You are the idealist, you think that there is a way to "fix" the situation or make the best of it, that is an idealist. Sometimes there just are no fixes and you move on, that is a pragmatist.

Steve keeps chasing high margin, high end products. Whatever the new value added process turns out to be, if it is not a high volume reasonably priced commodity, it will fail in today's economic climate. More Raleo yacht furniture will not help anyone out here.



05/21/10 6:08 AM

#2180 RE: schaef #2178

You make the mistake of oversimplifying what the critics of TATF have been saying. The invented criticisms you put in quotation marks do not come from any of my posts, nor do I remember them from others. It would help if you gave the post number and author of these. I suspect that they are exaggerated paraphrases; a frequent problem that David Knight has. This has the effect of setting up your arguments with false premises. You make a reasonable proposition, then quote an overhyped simplistic one attributed to an unknown source. It makes your contribution look good by comparison.

Words and this forum are all investors have going for them. Mr. Brunner isn't listening to them and he holds all of the money and the trees. Unlike Mr. Knight, who falsely accuses others of lying without being able to cite their lies (he implies he is too busy to do so but suggests others do the task), your posts have previously been quite reasonable and to the point; it is very important to all of us that we remain truthful and objective here.
