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05/21/10 9:59 AM

#3332 RE: eddiebali #3314

Heh. The heavy metal poisoning is just the tip of the iceberg. I was positive for 14 out of thee 21 metals they tested for, with the highest being lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, aluminum, and tungsten, all of which I was exposed to over my 20 year career that involved a lot of welding (stainless steel and aluminum), brazing, and soldering, all work was done without the OSHA required ventilation and respirator protection. I've been on LTD since Dec 06 for chronic Lyme disease and associated health issues.

The short version, which is rather longish, but I could write a book about what I've been through:

I'm pretty sure I was infected in the summer of 2002 (itchy red circular rash on my chest), but I have always been very healthy and active, so we believe my immune system kept it in check for several years. Then I herniated the C5/C6 disk in my neck in the fall of 2004 playing basketball, had two operations, the second of which involved inserting a PEEK plastic flexible replacement disk instead of traditional fusion. I had good outcome although it was an off-label use for the replacement disk, it was not FDA approved for cervical use at the time.

However, after being out of work for 3 months to recover from the 2nd surgery, when I returned to work in the spring of 05 I started suffering from a variety of ailments, some related to the heavy use of broad spectrum antibiotics after my surgeries that killed off most of the "good bacteria" in my body (this was before I heard about the wonders of probiotics, more about that later).

Over the next year or so I developed severe hives, serious GI problems, fibromyalgia, joint swelling, and fatigue problems, mainly when exposed to very hot weather (fell ill with heat exhaustion 2-3 times while golfing). I saw the whole gamut of specialists to attempt to find out what was wrong with me - two GI's, a rheumatologist, two allergists, a neurologist, and an infectious disease specialist, who I specifically told about the rash and my concern that I had Lyme disease. He ran the wrong kind of test on me, and told me that my knees were swelling up like balloons because I was "too old" to play basketball (I was only 43!).

I finally got my diagnosis in March 06 when I went to my orthopedic surgeon to get fluid drained from my knees, and he performed the Western Blot test on the fluid, which he does for all of his patients since I live in an area over run with deer (he didn't tell me he was going to do the test, however). When he got the results back I was positive for 8 bands, you only need to be positive on 5 bands to have a confirmed Lyme infection. With chronic Lyme, only synovial fluid will test positive, that idiot infectious disease "specialist" ran a blood test on me instead of giving me a spinal tap like he should have done.

End of story, I needlessly suffered for over a 1 1/2 years due to incompetent doctors, and the extra time allowed the Lyme to dig in even deeper into every organ in my body, especially my brain. When I had to quit working I could barely walk, talk, or see....terrible neurological problems. After more than 3 years of regular treatment from a Lyme literate doc, an acupuncturist, a chiropractor, and 3 different physical therapists I had regained about 85% of my health, but I plateaued at that point, still not able to work because of cognitive difficulties and CFS. That's when I discovered the heavy metal/Lyme/cellular disfunction connection and asked to be tested.

As far as colonics, yes, I had a series of 3 several years ago to help eradicate a systemic candida infection caused by the antibiotics. I was shocked at seeing how many globs of yeast colonies that came out of my colon! I really should go back and get another treatment or two, my candida is acting up occasionally again. In the meantime, my various therapists check my liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys, lympathic system, and the ileo-secal valve on a weekly basis to make sure everything is working properly so I can rid my body of the toxins.

To your questions about sunpill and Rizzo, no, I haven't done any research on them. Cobroxin is the ONLY thing that matters here, and having enough cash to pay for the advertising blitz and inventory is a short term worry that XCHO should be able to handle. If dilution is needed to raise money, I'd prefer it to be a private placement, somewhat like a silent investor. That way the shares aren't out there circulating.