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05/20/10 10:57 AM

#18907 RE: RUBY1100 #18904

New MMRF Blog May 20th

When you resist you are stuck with what you have……….
Posted by MyMedicalRecords | Filed under Personal Health

One of the lines that guide my day-to-day decision-making is “What you resist you are stuck with”. To me that means that when I resist change I am stuck with what I have. Over the past several days many of those reading this blog are stuck, and apparently want to stay stuck with what they have because they will not step “out of the box” and take advantage of the unique opportunity that have been and will continue to be placed in front of them. In this case I am specifically referring to MMR.

Several times over the past few months many of you have seen (and participated in) an exciting run up in MMRF share prices. In fact I am proud of the fact that in just 15 months of operating as a public company has accomplished what it has. However in order to be successful and achieve greatness you cannot stand on the sidelines and watch, or pick up your chips because you believe something to good to be true, or even in some cases destroy the game because you have a need to be right.

On April 11 Business week quoted an article in Health Daily News which reminded us that “We are in the early days of electronic health record adoption” and suggesting again that there is still a long way to go in this very exciting trillion dollar market of health IT.

This is the place where MMR lives on a day-to-day basis. Therefore it baffles me as to why a very few who are scared to step out of the box and go to the next level seem to have the need to stay “Stuck where they are”.

As a person who has already created a one billion dollar company from a five thousand dollar investment and hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth for many, I recognize the barriers that are placed in front of me when they rear their ugly head. It is sometimes very difficult to break through those barriers which are erected by others who won’t step out of the box because of fear, or even worse the need to be right. Nothing has changed since the letter the Company published to shareholders this last Monday.

Many of you have speculated that I am full of surprises. And I can assure you I am. However I will not publish “surprises” until they are “signed, sealed and delivered”. MMR appreciates your enthusiasm and support of the Company and we appreciate your willingness to step out of the box and believe in us whether you are a user, customer, employee, shareholder or friend.

I need to sign off and go back to work now. I am working on the creation of a 2nd billion-dollar company. However, because I do not want to be stuck with what I already have, this morning I will convert another $200,000 of MMR debt due The RHL Group into equity which will add another million plus shares to my existing 60 million plus share holdings. The Form 4 will be filed today.

Last, to those of you who contact me and ask what’s happening to the company’s stock price I wish I could say I knew. However, the only thing I really know is that the opportunities ahead are still in front of us and every day the landscape gets more exciting. I appreciate all of you for your friendship and support so the best thing that I can do is to get to work and make things happen by stepping way “out of the box”.

Robert H. “Bob” Lorsch, CEO,
Mailing Address: 2934 1/2 Beverly Glen Cir., #702, Los Angeles, CA 90077, Phone 310-476-7002 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 310-476-7002 end_of_the_skype_highlighting