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Replies to #491 on Profitable Pinks


05/22/10 2:46 PM

#504 RE: Solar_Express #491

Observation; I've only been 'trading' for a year now but from what I've seen & experienced so far...this game is more like being on an eco-safari , deep in the jungles of the Congo , only to find-out that your guide is a friggin' schizophrenic. One step forward, 3 steps back, side-2-side, up-down-& under....and that's on a good day. When not busy trying to bring your guide back to lucidity from his grand mal seizure , you're busy evading head-hunters, wild elephants, snakes & insidious diseases. How fun !

It seems that, more often than not (& regardless of the validity of the stock & your DD), your quality stock languishes while other (not-so-great) P&D's rocket to the top [especially in Pinkyland]. Glaring example; SPNG...this stupid (& crooked...imo) company comes out with some stupid sponge gizmo to wash your car with....their stock goes from the TZ's to +/- .15 in a heartbeat...WTF is that all about !?! BEHL had a similar POP, based on very little 'proven' value. They've both since, rightfully retreated in PPS but for all the winners, I'm thinking there are far more losers....somewhat akin to a pyramid scheme. That's all fine & dandy for the winners but I suspect there are hidden negatives in all this....the 'big losers' might just 'give-up altogether' on participating in trading...if not by choice, then out of regards for reality...out-of-powder & seriously in-the-hole. The negative for the winners ?...far less capital infusiin....the well drys-up. I think I've seen this (theorized) effect in-action a few times already this last year.

Aside from these factors, there's a need for (critical) introspection....I've found some genuine winners but sold to soon (or too late)....left a lot of $$$ on-the-table [$100G's in 1 year to be exact] by trying to be gready...damn that was painful to admit....I pledge to sell 1/2 on the 1st POP & ride the freebies from there...from now on.

Hell of a note this is but.....damnit; I'm going to come out a winner, come hell or high water...screw those damn head-hunters. Looking for the light here.

Hope you're all having better luck than far......not feelin' sorry for myself here, as that serves no constructive purpose.....just trying to learn from my mistakes.....and maybe from you guys as well.


