well, movieguy, that's where i disagree. You're right in that 5 million shares isn't much when the price is at .25 and he has 48 million shares. However, if, as many of us believe, the price is about to go to a lot higher, we're talking about giving up a lot of money instead of waiting a short amount of time. If you believed this stock was going to a dollar within, say six months, would you give up close to five million dollars, or wait for the price rise? It's not a small amount, when you think about it. It's quite a large amount of money not to wait a few months. My guess is, either he doesn't think the price is going to rise that far that fast, he's taking capital losses (all though you're right, that seems kind of unlikely), or he was in desperate need of 1.25 million bucks (and that seems unlikely too. Desperate enough to forgo 5 million dollars by waiting six months???) That leaves me with the thought that Fritz does not think this stock is going to a dollar within the next few months.
Not trying to dampen any enthusiasm, just being realistic and trying to keep track of the situation. I foresee a nice push in the next few weeks, but if vodafone or google were right around the corner- would fritz really sell 5 million shares? Would you? Even if you had 50 million?