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09/18/02 7:37 PM

#167 RE: Begesh #163

Why do you keep going back to the fact that I did not sell at $7. Told you that I did sell enoughto get my original investment back. That is not the issue here. The issue here is why cant you, and I mean you, find an original thought. Why do you have to rely on what others have posted. Do you have any thoughts of your own. Have you done any research to find out the truth from the hype? I dont think so. All you do is say that this is the truth because someone else posted it. I didnt realize that you were so easy to sway one way of the other. I guess that is why you keep posting what others have to say. LET ME PUT IT VERY SIMPLY TO YOU SINCE SIMPLICITY IS ALL YOU CAN UNDERSTAND. What facts do you have, that you have researched, you, that proves your point. I gave you one that I researched. There currently, at the time of this posting, are no plans for any shipment of oil to the refinery. Can that be any easier to understand? Now lets hear something original from you. Try as it might to be civil, try to do that, be civil. No names. Just a mature discussion.