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Replies to #487 on Profitable Pinks


05/19/10 12:46 PM

#488 RE: Solar_Express #487

Good-on-ya'-4-that....every little bit helps (especially at this relatively low PPS).....1K shares could amount 2 a sizeable chunk-of-change perspective; 1K shares of FSLR wouldn't be anything 2 snicker at....just don't be getting all 'squirrel-ly' on me now [ lol ]. I'm really liking our odds w/QTMM....I look forward to a day when I can write a book titled: "How I made My Millions...Despite Myself".


05/21/10 1:43 PM

#500 RE: Solar_Express #487

PX; QTMM is trading at .17+ today, possibly in anticipation of a not-to-swell looking 10Q....indeed, the NT10Q indicated a $3M+ loss for the last 9 months (as I recall)....on the surface, that looks bad but in knowing this company, I see that as a likely 'positive'...why? it shows that despite the overly secretive & frugal nature of the CEO, they are now spending $$ on 'something' & it also brings up the question of 'where did they get $3M bucks'...they aren't diluting to any noticable extent so, where'd they get the money to spend?....I'm thinking they may well have some of the funding they've been after....
In any case , if the trading aftermath of the last 10Q is any indication , I'm thinking next Mon/Tues might be a good buy opportunity for QTMM....might re-test the .15 zone [?]----followed by a big boast a week or two after that.
No guarantees...these are only my thoughts but....I'm looking for more powder just the same.