I'm hopeful that someone contacts the company and gets them to publicly verify it. Have you looked at the twitter site for Cannabis Med? According to their twitter, everyone buying this week still qualifies for the dividend...
It should be a very interesting few weeks! I want to hear some speculation... This stock will trade forward, but just be prepared to stomach a little volatility. Where do you think we will trade this week?
1. Many of those who bought in under .50, are still holding... the FLOAT is drying up!
2. This is just now popping up on the radar of other investors...
3. There is a dividend and forward split coming...
4. REVENUE!!!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$ Must i even need to explain the potential here?
5. This company HAS A PLAN to attract more investors and drive up the pps AFTER the split... What kinds of news are they sitting on?
Does anyone agree/disagree?
I'm in before the split and I'm holding AT least until November. Good day everyone! I'm not a foolish person here, and I believe we're sitting on an 8-11 dollar stock... I'd love to hear some other opinions.