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05/15/10 10:42 PM

#8991 RE: ragi #8982

Raji, allow me to take this opportunity to change the subject. Yeah, we had a lot of laughs over this R/S thing this morning, but to have it go on all day long?...c'mon posters, intellectual energies can be far better spent!...So, anyway,

As a former commercial fisherman from California, I AM OUTRAGED THAT THE COAST GUARD (w/EPA BLESSINGS) WOULD ALLOW THE USE OF CHEMICAL DISPERSANTS OF ANY KIND, IN ANY OF OUR OCEANS! Joy dish soap is also an oil 'dispersant'. When I was fishing; if the Coast Guard caught you spilling oil or deisel into the sea, or even on your boat's wash deck, they'd write you a ticket, with a hefty fine...If they caught you using dish soap to 'disperse' it, they would immediately board you, read the riot act, cite you atleast double than for just oil alone; and, if you gave 'em any trouble, they could take you away in irons, and impound your boat...Even back in the 90's, using dish soap as a 'dispersant' was known to be more harmful to the environment than just oil alone (breaking down the oil, allows it to get into the gills of very tiny creatures, which support the entire food chain)...that's why the stiffer penalty. We didn't have any products like ACHL's back then.
Now BP is using 'correxit', a chemical solvent (w/toluene,butylenes, stuff I can't even pronounce), putting it into the water column of the Gulf, with the Coast Guard's approval!
I am incredibly appalled, and hope there are serious environmental outcries re: this.
I dare say, Joy dish soap is probably more bio-degradable than 'correxit' (which doesn't!).

Sincere Cheers,