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05/13/10 9:55 AM

#24126 RE: Q-tunes #24123

They were supposed to launch 6 months ago

They pumped false hopes and people got burned. Period
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05/13/10 12:02 PM

#24129 RE: Q-tunes #24123

you mean if they secure more funding

with the amount of debts they have, it will not be an easy feat. Qurious, as far as we've heard we only have 2 deals with the labels. And ITM was not lying. he is totally correct. They lied at midem about having any deals, and launching a site with no music, yet even the receptionist was calling it a launch. And the global roll out was an absolute sham. That was pretty much the straw that broke the camels back as AK had publicly stated he would never set any launch dates until they were set in stone. So everyone piled in at all kinds of prices thinking Ak was not pulling a fast one, which he was. There is absolutely no excuse for that behavior. So if Ak is looked at in a bad light, it is because of this kind of deceitful behavior. He went too far that time, and it wouldn't surprise me if no one ever trusts him again after that stunt. You guys can make all the excuses you want for Ak, but his behavior and lawsuits proves why he can't get funding. So don't count on this ever launching for real. Midem may have garnered attention, that some thought was positive. But Global roll out bS was just a way to line someone's pockets, and the way they manipulated this board, they managed to keep all of you from making one red cent. Except the few here that could see through the BS, and now you call them bashers. The bashers tried to help you make cash, and now you are frustrated that you didn't make any money, and you aim your frustration at the same people that tried to help you. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for acting like absolute children. If you guys want to bat a blind eye to Ak's mischievous ways, that's your prerogative. But for those of us that can see through the BS, please refrain from threatening us.

"All the deals are there- but why pay for music when you are not ready for the FULL SCALE Launch?" That's a lie Q. You don't know if all the deals are there, and if you heard it from management, all the more reason not to believe it. It's a catch 22. You say why pay for music when they aren't ready to launch. You really mean, is they can't pay for music, so they can't launch. No ifs buts or ands about it. And if they don't have deals with 2 labels, that means they may never have those deals again. I heard they won't even deal with him, and with his track record, it's not surprising.
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05/13/10 12:22 PM

#24130 RE: Q-tunes #24123

No, Q, I get it. It should be obvious considering my posts when many in here were raving about the "launch" just weeks ago...

From the looks of the qtrax site, I'm not even sure this thing is above Alpha status. Seems like essentially NO ONE is using it as well. Quispy's is pretty much the only 2010 post I could find. Stands to reason (especially viewed in the light of prior performance) that this thing may be dormant.

Do you REALLY believe BLLN has given any priority to paying down its debts? It doesn't look that way to me. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce the change from Songbird to the "new" format was likely done to preclude Oracle from getting a injunction against Qtrax for using tech they didn't pay for.

IMHO, paying down debt doesn't even register in terms of AK's plan. Which may work out for him, after all, I've NEVER met an investor who would give a "start up" cash knowing it would be used to liquidate payables and judgements. That investor doesn't exist, my friend...

On another note, isn't it funny we haven't heard from Eagle lately? Don't you think he'll be getting marching orders soon and will be back in here with his secrets and promises that he has no connection to the company or MMs? ;-)