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05/13/10 10:34 AM

#4540 RE: Sputnik #4539

MDB Capital looks to be either incompetent in the area of DD on ITKG and others on their so called list or they are simply another pump operation that has been offered shares to sell into their pumpers list of companies.

Having software that targets patents without looking at the revs, management history, and track record of a company will provide a bad reputation for MDB Capital.

I cautioned the guy at MDB Capital about the true track record of ITKG but he didn't seem too concerned, and now for MDB to invite a POS like ITKG to this Bright-Bogus Conference tells me MDB is not to be taken seriously.

MDB will probably take what ever company on this Bogus list that goes well and they will promote themselves as being at the cutting edge, BUT they won't mention the slew of bogus companies that the patent searching software got wrong as is the case with ITKG.