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05/11/10 2:27 PM

#2109 RE: schaef #2105

schaef, you are distorting my reply. Fear of retaliation is not the most significant factor. I told you the main argument for anonymity for most forum members is the same you gave below in defending your own position:

"Those who have something to protect are the ones who are still hoping for a return from their trees. I want TATF to respond to my emails, so I don't act like a jerk when I contact them and in case I have anything negative to say here, I hold on to my anonymity. That's pretty much it for me. I agree; there is no evidence that anything good is happening. But I want to be able to send an email every couple of months and hope that somebody will respond. I hope they will be motivated to care for my trees in the hope that I will buy more. These are my reasons for anonymity."

I simply agreed, in a postscript, that Marc was also making a valid point when he stated that many may be afraid of retaliation by TATF.



05/11/10 5:11 PM

#2112 RE: schaef #2105

I don't fear retaliation and here's why:


a) If the Brunners started TATF in the manner talked about on the TATF web site, particularly in all of the magazine article references, then I conclude that they are forthright, godly people and would not cheat people if at all possible and would not even think of retaliation against people who trusted them with their investment (us).


b) The whole thing is a sham and if any trees exist on the ground in CR, then they are only for the purposes of helping to demonstrate to potential or actual investors that the farm(s) exist and make people think that each tree is allocated to only one person.

I believe that, in either case, there is no liklihood of retaliation. I only said that there is a MEANS for retaliation in the event that TATF is basically for real. I feel pretty certain that the information derived from my postings, particularly my login ID, is probably enough for TATF to identify me if they desired, but now that I've posted my email address in the prior post, there's no doubt....



05/11/10 7:31 PM

#2113 RE: schaef #2105

The 4 points you cite are not the reason(s) i have chosen to remain anonymous. The many emails and unsatisfactory replies from TATF drove me to seek out other investors opinions first.I chose to remain anonymous because at the time i joined this board i had already decided to seek legal action.
What i read hear led me to conclude that no one has any definite knowledge the trees exist.
I therefor initiated legal action myself, and as a current tree holder, I had that right under Texas law. So the texas attorney generals office is at present in contact with CR OIJ and we will see what becomes of that. I promised everyone I would let you know when i get my answer and i will.

In remaining anonymous..
I prevent TATF from being able to use trees that are "show trees" to be represented as mine. I will have no objection to revealing myself in the not too distant future.