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01/03/05 5:48 PM

#3527 RE: johnson1 #3526

EJ, even if you are able to buy enough shares to become an influence on management, what will you do? Obviously they aren't living up to your expectations or we'd be trading in double digits by now. How will buying more shares change the way they operate? To me, it seems the only solution is a change in management, however I'm sure you see things differently. These are honest questions. I hope you give honest answers instead of just telling me to sell my shares!
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01/03/05 6:06 PM

#3528 RE: johnson1 #3526

Well, based on that post, the only post truly worthwhile to you will be your own, so it begs the question, why do you bother talking to yourself here? Can't you do that in the bathroom or something?

And, I'm impressed with your project this week. Doing a follow-up and getting some answers on the preferred share conversion is a mighty ambitious project for only one week.

And yes I'm still a shareholder. I'm holding on to a few so I can say I own some when I post. (g)

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01/04/05 9:45 AM

#3535 RE: johnson1 #3526

If my information is outdated it is because the company has failed to report in a timely manner. If the shares outstanding has decreased to 68 million, then what happened to the 13 million shares? Were they repurchased, canceled, retired, reverse-split, what?

From the limited information released by the company the shares outstanding should be at least 81 million.

My interest? I would like to break even on my shares someday but I doubt that will happen unless management decides to spend the effort and money on meeting their obligations.

My information on the shares outstanding is documented in the reports filed by the company (10Q, 10k, 8k). It can be easily verified. You provided no documentation for your statements on shares outstanding nor the source. So whose post is worthless to WTCH shareholders?