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05/23/10 7:27 PM

#184134 RE: makesumgravy #183788

1 to 3 % of the population has always controlled the rest, and this has always been so. However, Socialism is not the answer. A flat tax is the only real answer, and it's about time we demand it be so; it would create a true surplus and it will save the common man, not mention that it is the only system with any real equality. BTW, Have read None Dare Call It A Conspiracy?

2 new from $10.45 12 used from $6.00

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05/23/10 8:33 PM

#184140 RE: makesumgravy #183788 know how to get the know how to put together a company that employs THOUSANDS of know how to procure the goods for to market to put a team together to make sure the company functions as intended...

but, you believe a cashier on the floor who can't give you the proper change without the help of a computerized cash register deserves to get the "big" money ??????????????????

that's socialistic brilliance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marx would be proud of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and, you wonder why there is not one .....let me repeat that....NOT ONE socialist nation which even comes close to the success of US capitalism....

and, don't believe that socialist crap about 1% of the people control 90% of the nation's wealth....

money and wealth are NOT the any stretch of the imagination....

1% of the people pay most of the tax because they made 90% of the dollars.......

the "left" has done an excellent marketing job of distorting the truth....they even have you believe that financial markets drive an economy.....