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05/08/10 2:59 AM

#6504 RE: SmoothTrader61 #6496

Thanks Pennyrat but I'm getting in a good ole fighting mood over this time and time again bull that we must eat if we wish to still hold this stock and again as far as I'm concerned I like that low ball comment and it fits Barnhill like a glove. I honestly am statring to fill that Barnhill willsomehow toss the reins in to crumble this company in a way that may fit his needs and still end up starting over elsewhere in another and take this private. I was correct basically about my fear of Quirk and doubt this will be over anytime sound. I feel Quirk will sit on this and drag his event into the Quest news because Quest can't delay this for ever plus Quest won't get hurt in the deal but we will because buyer beware kinda thingy, we need this news like we need a hole in our head. I'm a fraid all this is going to create another sell off and then waht??? yes more dam warrants to pay for stuff as I believe Barnhill will not spend any of that cash on the pending court dealings. We will see but that is how I see it because he doesn't care anymore as our shares will be growing out of hand soon and they will want our vote to expend the share base. How do you think Mr. Quirk will vote when it comes to expanding shares? It will be dilution which means the price of eggs will fall further and further away from Quirk to buy his shares. No doubt I'm not one bit happy about this regardless if I am the only one. Anyways there will be a vote in the near future and it wil be a catch 22 decision, think about it plus down goes the price of eggs and still we have nothing to show except our cheap shares that maybe or hopfully might grow enough to possibly go from us making hundred(s) of thousands as we had hoped to basically walking away with a fist full of dollars or at worst nothing to write home about.