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05/07/10 10:32 PM

#1371 RE: eom7 #1370

a small oops on GGP ....

Simon pulled their bid for GGP today ....

anyways .... there's not a chance for MMPI regardless cuz Richard's in charge and owns with Maddux over 50% of this dog ....

he'd probably sell it (again) for $10 but anything short of that and it ain't gonna fly ..... besides what the hell would he do if he sold MMPI .... go back and cruise Whittier Blvd on Friday nights ...

That's the same reason (control of 51% by Richard) why I think an EC has little or no value ... he would control the committee so its a non starter ....

i think the AG of Calif and the SEC (the army) needs to intervene to stop the POR which is tantamount to a securities crime where he raised $426,000,000 in 2007 from the public and is proposing to steal it back for zero as the $10 million is going inside the company ...

the dude is one mean MF ...

and im wondering who it is that is propping up (manipulating) the closing price of MMPI on a daily basis .... they seem to want it to close over 7 cents daily when no bids exist for the shares .... happened every day this week ...

nasty week for the overall markets this week ... ive never ever seen anything like the ten minutes on Thursday ... DJI gave up 600 pts in less than 10 minutes ... WILD!

YIKES! so much for value stocks ....

ill copy and paste letters to the AG and SEC sometime this wknd ...

Enterprising Investor

05/10/10 10:27 AM

#1376 RE: eom7 #1370

Not really.

GGP provides investors with regional diversification. MMPIQ is living in LA.

GGP, in BCG terms, is probably more of a "Cash Cow" than a "Star". It is well run with very good occupancy rates. I would describe MMPIQ as a "Question Mark" rather than a downright "Dog", but the verdict is still out.

I think the IPO timing was perfect - at/near the peak. Filing for bankruptcy was a good idea. The reorg plans are not good. Not retaining SEC registration will turn out to be a huge error.

The business model has been questioned by lenders. They are concerned with two things - principal and interest. No creditor really wants to take possession of real estate and sell it.

I am a huge fan of recycling old buildings and land into new uses. Owning land is always a good thing. I have lived in Greater Dallas all my life. The city has come along way in the past 15 years. People are actually living downtown. All Dallas needs is more jobs downtown. I digress.

It may take an upgrade in management.