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01/03/05 1:12 AM

#67278 RE: zippity #67276

zippity - Firstly e.Digital would not be making any announcements before their clients would... assuming any of these devices are using our platform. Each and every licensee would want to announce their product... not e.Digital's product. What we make is generic to many OEM's and branders... we're inside their box. They aren't going to say it's e.Digital's box! Also, we don't know at this point if we are indeed inside any of these potential products... it seems like we could be but Ittiam may have their own platform they are licensing to these companies without using us. We should find out soon enough... perhaps as early as next week. I would assume security will be a big issue with movie and other video content... to date we have a fool proof system that has proven reliable. I can see a kiosk type player developed by us using Ittiams encoder/decoder to be launched perhaps in the latter half of next year. The kiosks would have to be developed for this purpose and it hasn't happened yet to my knowledge. TV content may be another matter entirely however. Not sure how that will be handled via the security front.