GPG, you write:
"There has been speculation by many as you are fully aware regarding potential manipulation of this stock by CHFI and/or others. We'll probably never know the full story there, but if they are indeed assisting in some capacity with JADA's reporting , it would certainly provide an edge to say the least - obviously this would be highly unethical and illegal, but given the mystery behind CHFI and their affiliations, not too difficult to pull off I imagine."
I confess to being one of the prime perpetrators of that speculation about pps-manipulation by CHFI and its related satellite entities, after digesting all the posts on the topic i could find by UntamedBull, Rino101, DeanHan1, Hemli_o and others who've written on the JADA and CHFI boards, here at I-Hub and also at Yahoo.
The only reason i haven't been obnoxiously bugging the SEC about this (--not that the understaffed, over-worked paper-pushers at the SEC would ever take ANY interest in a lowly OTC China company's stock) is that, as aforementioned posters have also written, the longterm outlook for most of these CHFI "children" stocks has been quite positive-- former penny stocks ONP, UTA, GFRE are all now trading at shareprices some 15 or 20 times higher than they were in recent years.
So i think the manipulation, while aggravating, obnoxious, even terrifying and traumatizing for most "long" investors in the short term, is ultimately going to turn out to be a case of "benevolent manipulation." Did you not notice what looked like "upward manipulation" of JADA's stock from March 22 to April 8 before the Big, Fast Selloff? --especially those several days with a strong buying flurry right in the last 1 or 2 minutes.....
So we're on an amusement park funride here with JADA, with the occasionally unexpected, terrifying downward plunge.... but further on i think we longs are going to be very pleasantly surprised and rewarded.
JMO.... Remember that we still have an OTCBB stock here, a spec play--albeit a profitable, no-debt, low-cashburn, high-inside-ownership company. I would NOT bet the farm on JADA (though in my own perhaps really stupid case i've bet "part of the farm")...
Hope this helps.