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05/04/10 11:28 AM

#213810 RE: losmashrt #213809

I have no basis to speculate whether there is any connection or not. The letter says: "By Federal Express"; so I doubt - but don't know - whether it could have been received by neom on the 27th.
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out of time

05/04/10 12:16 PM

#213815 RE: losmashrt #213809


It is probably be best if you don't spend your time defending yourself to the folks on this board. It is better that you ignore the folks attacking you for two reason:
1. it will distract you from what you have set out to do
2. Who knows who YA has ferreting out information from you on this board.

What's done is done and I happen to believe that what you did what was correct, YA has given themselves a free pass to print money without cost to them as far reduction of principal. I think OBAMA/Ben/timothy could learn a lesson from these guys,.