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05/02/10 10:43 AM

#17834 RE: bob smith #17833

Thank you. Nice... Go MCLN!!!

I have a lot to learn. If my investments work out for me and I can afford to do only this stuff I'll be back with DD capabilities finally and won't have to waste your time on such no brainers. I really appreciate you taking the time answer that for me. gl2u2

It's time for me buckle down and learn how to read financial reports finally. I've been procrastinating cuz I just dread it really. I was the last kid in school to learn how to add and the first to read well. The giveth and the taketh.

It's time for me to listen more than I talk now. And finally get it done. Although if people bash the stock I'll have to respond.


05/02/10 11:23 AM

#17835 RE: bob smith #17833

yes thank you. Sheff's knowledge is very humbling and most important he doesn't have an agenda. I was looking at his site this morning and just amazed at all the info put forth. It will be very good for me to be able to devote more time to finance. I do this so I can just study Shakespeare all the time. It's funny, I was reading someone's investment philosophy (can't remember their name) that resonated with me, and it read "I hate stocks", and I just laughed cuz I knew right away what the person was getting at. Again, you didn't have to take that time help me out like that. It won't be forgotten:)