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04/30/10 3:04 PM

#63667 RE: Trav G #63666

my first thought is a double bottom @ .0012 using appox 30% if it breaks below .0012
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05/01/10 1:20 AM

#63685 RE: Trav G #63666

The new buzz word, PLAN.............

OMG, I gotta plan. I plan on making some money with this investment, which so far has cost me nearly every friggin nickle I put into it. That's my plan! And guess what, other than a few opportunistic and lucky swingers who never held long, I am not alone as I sit in the RED corner.

What does being alone mean?
separate, apart, abandoned, by itself/oneself, companionless, deserted, desolate, detached, forlorn, forsaken, friendless, hermit, in solitary, individual, isolated, lone, lonely, lonesome, single, sole, solitary, solo, stag, unaccompanied, unaided, unassisted, unattached, unattended, unescorted, etc., etc., etc..

None of those words fit our situation. Each of those words describe in some way how most of us so called LONGS may feel. Here are some of my feelings for anyone with the stomach and patience to read them.

With six billion shares in the OS and all the blackout speculation and bad news when there is any and the fact that we are not alone, maybe, I just say maybe, maybe it is time to step up to the plate and show some backbone in support of our Copper King Mining team. To go beyond being just an electronic trading entepreneur. What, you think that miracles come easy, every body gets one just because the going is tough? This MILFORD MIRACLE will put gray in our beards and bald spots on our heads before she shows her face.

And obviously I do not mean this towards anyone personally. I am only commenting in general terms as i struggle to justify, to qualify my own characterization as to where I wish to stand on the CPRK issues.

We know that certain things, most significantly being the management/BOD changes and challenges and the resources that must have been required of landowners and Copper King Mining alike in responding to the Nevada Star lawsuit. Our team has so much skin in this game that anything short of success will most likely ravage their lives beyond belief. And that isn't even hinting at the collateral damages.

To my way of thinking, our team has no option but to succeed. This isn't like some biotech scam or unknown mining venture where all they have is a rented office in some strip mall and they can pull the plug whenever they have worked their game as far as they can. Copper King Mining is the real meal deal with real skin and blood and bones on the line.

It's always darkest before the dawn. It's coldest too! And weakened spirits are weakest as they struggle for breath and shiver for warmth and hold out for that hopeful first light and another day to fight.

There are literally thousands of stocks to invest in. Lots of them are long shots and many are quite predictable by technical and fundamental analysis. Anyone invested here today has most likely sustained incredible losses by holding or averaging down or swinging in and out. We are the RED TEAM...........


Let that be your message to CAM and the BOD and the folks in Milford, Utah. Far better to stand with the people then turn and run in this darkest hour. IMO

Hope to see you in Milford for the CPRK 2010 INVESTOR RENDEZVOUS starting on the evening of June 10th. We'll figure out the agenda as it unfolds between now and then right before our very eyes. The RED TEAM will no doubt go into the history books as those who stood their ground and won right along side those who made this venture possible. At least that is my vision. Safe travels.

P.S. Nice job on the compliance Ron Wunderlich. Keep up the good work.

Obviously all that I say here is my own opinion and should not be taken as any recommendation or suggestion of a recommendation to recommend or suggest anything in regards to any investment or interests in CPRK. Nevertheless, these are my sentiments and opinions and I am in support of COPPER KING MINING.
