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04/29/10 5:21 PM

#63585 RE: wes1 #63583

If and when thats the big question


04/29/10 11:20 PM

#63596 RE: wes1 #63583

This is truly short sighted given the challenges being faced at this mill. It is not nearly so easy as flipping a switch, or such a binary thing as "the mill starting".

While Obama's charts and predictions bear no causal affect on the stock and it's share price, one might heed his words.

Had I sold in the .005>above range, I'd be much further ahead at this point, either higher share holding or more cash.

Today's action wasn't very promising either, though I admit one day doesn't mean everything, it is another critical level of support we stand at the brink of losing.


04/30/10 12:34 AM

#63598 RE: wes1 #63583

According to my sources, we are no closer to producing a high grade concentrate today then we were a month ago. My guess, this mill will never produce as originally planned or thought. Wrong equipment given the type of ore. We need SXEW, and should have built one from the get go. The word is the consultants are saying the same thing. I think it is too little too late. lender, and investor confidence is gone, and CPRK is in financial shambles. Mr. Southworth has blown through his connections, and Barlow really never had any of his own. Word is Barlow's partner, Horton is now claiming there was never any formal connection or agreement between himself and CPRK. Go figure--I wonder why. Heads may just roll on this one folks. Too many people are going to wind up hurt. These guys better pray they dotted their i's and crossed there t's. My guess, they didnt. With all that Dotson told them, they never thought it could fail. Given that belief they were extremely aggresive in promoting their sure thing, their money train, their milford miracle as it were. Well this is no miracle people, and my guess, they are losing some sleep thinking about all of the promises made, cash borrowed, and the possibility of compromised SEC regulation. There may be another bounce left in the stock, but ultimately this company will not make it. JMHO. GLTA.