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04/28/10 2:53 PM

#211824 RE: doubleaa #211821

Its not a sinking ship, its only to those who were expecting to get rich overnight, cough, cough, I mean those who held 8 years like myself for drilling. lol
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04/28/10 6:03 PM

#211931 RE: doubleaa #211821

no ERHE will be back once the EEZ and JDZ get drilled
but the issue here is simply more and more fortnights if not years for new PSCs / new drilling campaigns / analysis and results

and now more than ever the JDZ phase I appears to be far less than expected amongst the many years of hype and potential of giant finds

perhaps there will be commercial oil and gas - but for now assume NONE

Shares at .20-.30 are basically risk free long term

no rush to buy presently

maybe Oilphant got it right about ERHC going private eventually

ERHC Management are a sad bunch - 10 years never over $1