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04/28/10 2:13 PM

#30 RE: redlepper #29

Poor Zed,

May the Meds he took make him rest in peace.

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05/12/10 12:48 PM

#32 RE: redlepper #29

And so it did come to pass. The 3 wise old geezers came bearing gifts of Frankenstein, bearing bearings, and bearing great news of the next spea, and just plain bearing down. For it was told long ago.....even before nostradamus. And finally the bearing has come. Let them bring forth the gold, the silver, the copper, and minerals aplenty. For bearing minerals if much better than painting ball bearings brown and tossing them under nut trees to watch the squirrels break their teeth.

BTW, I cant see the CANT stock is still breathing. But the staleness abounds.

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05/26/10 2:47 PM

#33 RE: redlepper #29


The more I see, the more I feel the reorg grim reaper will cloak us in a heavy black cloud of ncrappy staleness. Such is the way of life in this here universe.

The methane train has started on schedule. It has made a stop at the nbs stables in the hinterlands for re-fueling. And man, that methane fuel was of pretty good quality.......but still stinky. But anyway, I digress. I did place another stake in this town so I am trying to hold the train until I can pull up the stakes and carry on towards the holy grail of all stocks. The next spea!!

May the force be with you.
And also with you.
And also with chu.

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08/19/10 7:46 PM

#52 RE: redlepper #29

I guess uncle Zed may live after all. Amazing eh? Well, it is not written yet, so, it shall "may not" beez done. Ok, you know the beez by now. let me give you the second in a series of clues for the revelation of the mystery. First there were beez, then there was honey. The honey is used for.....

May the meds be with you,
And also with you,
Amd many meds for Chu!
