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04/27/10 1:22 PM

#16779 RE: RisingProfit #16776

If that was Ken's actual reply then he is even a bigger blockhead than I thought. How about he stop blaming the share price on conspiracy theories and do his job as CEO --- ensure that products make it to the shelves with the proper marketing so consumers actually know the products (games) are there and PR the hell out of it so all investors know where the games are, how they are selling, and what is coming up next!!!

I'm sorry, but it should not take 9 months to format preexisting games (RR series) to DS/Wii and put them into the market. Maybe if the joke of a CEO stopped dabbling in oil wells, music, film and other assorted flights of fancy and instead focused on just getting the RR series into the market, then, and only then, will this stock truely be undervalued. If Kennyboy can find it in himself to stop his ADD approach to business, submit useful and consistent PR's, and maybe think of a tiny bit of marketing (you know, like that gamestop floor display for FR that never happened) then we may actually see a share increase and some additional interest in this stock. Geeze - so much potential here -- just need a focused CEO!!!

So, in summary, KEN - pull your head out of your a**. If you want to succeed then do one thing and do it well. For SDVI that means putting games on the shelves. Stop with all the other BS and get the RR series to market!!!!


04/27/10 1:39 PM

#16781 RE: RisingProfit #16776

Thanks for the update. The reason that no PR has helped is because the PRs contain no MEAT.

I want to know about sales, projected growth, current operations and management thoughts on the future of SDVI and where they are headed as a business.


04/27/10 4:29 PM

#16799 RE: RisingProfit #16776


Honestly, I am not real worried about the share price as that will come in time. What really bothers me is it would be nice for Ken and SDVI just let us know what is going on every once in awhile. Not to drive the price up but to keep us informed on how our investment in his company is doing.

I read on here everyday about something new that is happening with the company (most of it great) from other investors but the company remains silent. That is what bothers me most.

Thanks for letting me rant and BTW I still believe that this is a good long term investment and have not sold a single share, yet...