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02/18/01 6:47 PM

#335 RE: Seahag #334

SH - Just saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

I do go in for a lot of films that are considered "chick films" because I still like films with a story and dialouge. Was suprised that Mel Gibson used that joke about the difference between your job and your wife. Don't get me wrong. I didn't care all that much for Titantic, but I liked Pulp Fiction, Terminator, and the first two Alien movies, too. But, even they have story and sometimes a catchy script.

Went to see Chocolat, but to my surprise it was sold out. So jumped over to Crouching Tiger which I also wanted to see.

Missed the first 5 minutes of Crouching Tiger. May have missed and important scene or explanation, don't know. But I think Tiger is an extraordinary and memorable film. I don't know if the story has roots in mythology or a fairy tale, but there are a few characters that can do the things you would only expect to see in the Matrix. It is beautifully filmed and directed. Tiger is subtitled and definitely has a foriegn feel too it, so once again it's not for everyone. If I had a vote though, Crouching Tiger would get mine for best director, cinematography, maybe editing, and probably best picture of the year.

I've also seen Castaway and agree with your assesment.

Seen Perfect Storm too. One of my favorite movies of the year. Thought the Coast Guard were true heroes from the film. Any one who looks down on the CS when compared to the other branches of service needs to see this film or better yet read the book you mentioned.

We're in total agreement on Mission to Mars and don't bother with Red Planet either. A couple of dogs. And I'm a Sci-Fi fan.

Seen both Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption. Two exceptional films. Morgan Freeman is one of my favorite actors along with Tom Hanks. Tim Robbins is good too. Shawshank was one of his best movies IMO.

The Usual Suspects? Thought it was great!

Funny, but I was thinking about Being John Malcovich and Ed Wood (the Johnny Depp film)as I wrote earlier. Both are extremely odd by formula movie standards. John Malcovich I thought was a hoot. It was so perposterous that I would just start laughing at times when I thought about the circumstances. Ed Wood the film has to go under "truth is stranger than fiction". A very funny, but tragic movie. I know of people who walked out of Ed Wood because of some of the subject matter. Bella Lugosi was a junkie. Ed Wood, a cross dresser since childhood, tried to get him back together according to the movie. I thought both films were great, but definitely not for everyone.

O Brother I didn't think was as good as the above 2 films, but overall I did like it and thought it was funny. Again, not for everyone.

Speaking of Johnny Depp and M. Brando, have you ever seen Don Juan Demarco? I thoughoughly enjoyed it and have the DVD. But, I think it might appeal to guys who have seen it more than women. But, probably not to many guys went to see it in the first place. LOL

