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Trav G

04/25/10 10:42 PM

#63462 RE: RS500 #63459

I don't see MS as a crook or putting his name out there with a BK on his resume. Just saying-I think we would be owned by China before that happens. Who knows who came to the mill and wants a piece of us. If there were at least 3 offers of LTF in the past I wouldnt be so sure that we arent going to give up a little and take their terms. It would just be stupid not too.
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04/25/10 11:53 PM

#63464 RE: RS500 #63459

"Planned BK, and I wonder if this should be investigated?"

And I had thought that I was the only one to buy into that conspiracy theory of an originally planned BK agenda. Sounds clever enough! While we all certainly hope that this is not the case, it remains one of the options, one of the many options. The only thing that can disprove this, short of an SEC investigation, would be a return to operations with all that is necessary to move forward with the venture and our investments.

On one hand I can imagine management being incensed at the thought that this idea would even be on the table for consideration. However, they have set the stage and what has transpired and what continues to take place today does nothing to avert that suspicion, what with information black outs and simply no hint of a miracle.

Call the planned BK theorists as you like. Let Copper King Mining show how wrong it is to have even questioned their integrity to this degree. I'm all for discovering honest hard working people building American business. I am also hell bent on bringing those who would victimize investors to their knees.

Everything is speculation right now and nothing more as we do not have any facts to support any theorizing. Just speculation during dark times!

With a PR this next week announcing sufficient finances and the mill start-up, we can put all of this paranoia behind us and get on with this MILFORD MIRACLE driving us to JUST SHOW UP. If not next week the week after next, but time is most certainly running out if it hasn't already.

I'm certain that Milford and Beaver County are looking forward to this success even more than we investors. Jobs, taxes, notoriety and a boon to the real estate values. Wealth in proportions never experienced to date. Lots of families and their children and their businesses are counting on this success and the dollars coming in with the rendezvous and just general business from dollars available for spending.

When I think about this I sense that there may be a tremendous stretch in reality brought on by the paranoia resulting from the lack of transparency. That reality may show in time that to even suggest a long term plan for orchestrating BK as being absolutely ludicrous, absurd, couldn't be further from the truth and is an insult of unforgivable proportions.

While our imaginations may run wild, I'd suggest that it is important that we consider how and why we are so jaded during these times and refrain from actually passing any judgment on Copper King Mining until we actually have some facts. We're talking about real people here. Hard working people and families who have as much of a right to be respected as any one of us remote electronic blogging investors.

So, we've voiced our paranoia and fears and bashed one another about over details that really don't matter much and that is and has been all part of the discussion group agenda of discovery. Now we are down to push coming to shove and I'd suggest that we refrain from getting too carried away with our imaginations and look hard for facts.


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04/26/10 1:07 AM

#63466 RE: RS500 #63459

I agree that the CPRKSA probably helped tip the balance to move MD along. No disrespect here for MD. He did some amazing things for a very long time. It was time for a new CEO with more business experience.
As to all of this talk about MS withholding LTF to sandbag MD, I say phooey. There is more than one potential source of LTF, and the CEO's job is to guide those decisions.
We saw MD put production ahead of permits. He put front end recovery ahead of tailing concerns. Not everything worked out as he had hoped.
MS seems to be dealing with all the problems and sweeping none under the rug.
I expect him to take this enterprise to profitability. I expect him to come up with financing. I expect him to instill confidence in lenders.
But if he wants to instill confidence in stockholders, we had better hear something concrete from him soon.