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04/25/10 10:32 AM

#18976 RE: michael AA #18975

Good Morning All. Hello Michael, it's nice to see you posting again. Very interesting post. I hope everyone reads it and follows up on your advice this time.


04/25/10 11:44 AM

#18977 RE: michael AA #18975

Glad to see your post again Michael and always open to your inputs.

Your story sounds familiar in a way to GOIG a couple of weeks ago.

See you all on monday.


04/25/10 12:06 PM

#18979 RE: michael AA #18975

glad everything is okay with you. A little confused by your post really thought you were trading the stock as you kept calling us a team and that we should hold.


04/26/10 5:05 AM

#18989 RE: michael AA #18975

Hey Michael,

glad to hear from you. Ok and i also don't ask you, why you do all this when you are not trading ETLS. There will be any reason and that's good like it is.

I just take you postings to learn from them and also your stories are very funny and they make me laugh in the morning, even if it's raining very bad here in Munich :-)

I'm ready for Mike Tyson :-)))



04/26/10 8:28 AM

#18993 RE: michael AA #18975

Welcome Back Michael .. and straight off, I want to take my turn at apologizing to you because, after coming under PM attack, I had submitted to a couple ppl the notion that you had left and really were't here to help ... a knee jerk reaction -- gleaned from being a long time user of this site .. as you may understand, its a msg board and it's difficult at best to try to trust and the attack was IMO crafted to create dissention and caught me a bit by surprise. Hoever .. no biggie, still intact with my share count.

After having thought it out, on weekends I disappear from the boards for the most part ... for one simple reason ... I have a life ... and so I should at least attribute that much to you and others as well, as I sometimes get to caught up here, a mistake for sure ..

None the less -- I apologize to you.

I know that if you are here to help, then these ppl will be in good hands. While still in here, I will mostly just watch the action and guage to see good entry exit points.


04/26/10 8:58 AM

#18996 RE: michael AA #18975

Complete Rubbish!


04/26/10 12:41 PM

#19114 RE: michael AA #18975

Michael, where are you? You were one of our hardcore posters here. Without you we have 100 posts less a day. C'mon jump in, again!!!