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04/25/10 11:47 AM

#68972 RE: venomen2002 #68962


The TA completely destroyed JD's BS claim about no insider selling. JD has blathered on about that for months and months. In August of 2009 the TA took that theory and smashed it like a peanut shell in the aisle on opening day.

Now you post a link to something JD said in March of 2010? That is all the proof needed. You have nothing to counter what the TA publicly released and made JD look like a common criminal, except something that JD said after the fact. Do you know how many people say they didn't do it even when concrete evidence is staring them right in the face?

Sorry, but the burden of proof would be on JD to explain why the float was 930million when the OS was 980 million and still be making the claim that their shares were restricted. Unless of course he is trying to say that him and GH and Malone collectively hold 50 million shares. In which case it still proves my point because then they would have obviously sold.

We all know what happened, no reason to keep trying to cover it up. Maybe coming clean could help this piece of garbage start to climb.


04/25/10 11:52 AM

#68973 RE: venomen2002 #68962

you are correct veno

just like .. the other day
when it was claimed the ta
was gagged .. the reality
was anything but ~ info was
given to those who called
on all days last week ~

suspect it was just another
psychological *game* played
out to *show* volume .. of
which 3/4's would be *SHORT*
on both thursday and friday

here's to *transparency*
expo holdings transitioning

ho hum

all jmo