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04/22/10 9:48 AM

#49258 RE: tradinguru #49254

Why do you keep trying to damage GOIG? Your statements are continually untrue. That was keywords activated.


04/22/10 9:49 AM

#49263 RE: tradinguru #49254

Because the 5000 to 1000 were NEVER sold and I always felt that...BUT, they do have 300 sold. They launched a week many do you think they could really have sold without the service up and my guess is that the majority of those 300 have come in just the past week.


04/22/10 9:50 AM

#49265 RE: tradinguru #49254

Why only concentrate on the 100.000? There are a number of very positive points adressed in the PR...

Capitan Canada

04/22/10 9:52 AM

#49276 RE: tradinguru #49254

Glad your on board. Good luck with the ambassador work, I'm sure you'll make a lot. Great news I think 300 keywords is, this will grow a lot in my opinion. It's just started. Thanks for your work, keep registering those words, ...if you build it, they'll come....

go goig



04/22/10 9:52 AM

#49277 RE: tradinguru #49254

I am guessing Ike and GOIG and these other partners just mentioned in the recent press release are not wanting to count their chickens before they are hatched. We all understand that the official launch was not what we were expecting with fireworks parades and whistles. I am thinking that the projected 300 is just about what they have for signed contracts right now that will be working keywords ready to be adverstised by the companies. The biggest part that was in the article that caught my eye is that they are in talks with the others. They can't name drop or count them until the trial period is up and they have signed. I'm betting more will sign, then more will sign, the rappers will include G0800 in freestyles.



04/22/10 9:53 AM

#49285 RE: tradinguru #49254

I think Ike should fire you. I would want employees who support my company, not someone who bashes my company and points out every fault. I looked over your posts and the only time you post positive info is when you own shares, when you don't you bash to get the pps lower. I'm going to forward some of your post to Ike and tell him how you help his company.


04/22/10 10:03 AM

#49321 RE: tradinguru #49254

Dude - how can you be an ambassador and not be able to interpret a simple PR???