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lee kramer

12/25/04 1:16 PM

#338146 RE: denmo83 #338142

Hi denmo: If the Red Sox could do it, the Cubbies can do it. Keep the faith baby.


12/25/04 6:31 PM

#338153 RE: denmo83 #338142

"it seems that NEM, GFI and FCX would be likely candidates to be considered blue chip type gold stocks. Would that be your assessment as well? I'm trying to put together a basket of good gold stocks that would be more flexible than a mutual fund with those handcuffing, end of day transactions."

Blue chip type gold stocks?
No, not really, or at least not now, Dennis, as GFI is currently the target of a hostile bid by Harmony which has hurt the valuations of both companies pretty dramatically. Surely not one that I would consider a gold chipper by any stretch of the imagination. I think, but may be wrong, that FCX's fortunes are more in line with Cu than Au, and as such wouldn't call it a true gold blue chip candidate. Newmont surely qualifies for all star status, but the recent rash of environmental flareups originating from Indonesia to Turkey and points in between would make me think twice about owning it in size or for the long haul.

My miner play of choice has evolved into going for the LT home run (min/four bagger or better! <g>) potentials, if not probables, with huge blue sky potentiality such as NG, WTZ, GRZ, BGO, HUGO and a couple of Canuckistanian miner/explorers like CKG.V, a junior explorer who has been amassing more than a dozen of high potential resources in Mexico over the past few years and who currently have about $27M on the books, only 30 some million shares outstanding and is owned by Randy Riefel who while running Francisco Gold discovered El Saulzel and another biggie (who's name escapes me) that he sold to Glamis Gold (GLG) for mega millions and then formed CKG with the idea of finding some potentially big winners and now, after exploring over a hundred potential resources, has narrowed it down and acquired more than a dozen of what he considers high potential resources and in little over a week will methodically start a drilling program to prove out their reserve ounces of Au and Ag before selling the properties to the highest bidder. Don't bother looking for a website.... RR does no promoting per se and lets his results speak for themselves via filings on Sedar .....

Fwiw, Ihub has a CKG board to give you some background if I have piqued your interest.

and FR.V, a Canuck Ag play that I'm hoping will be a monster.

Jeffery Kern has a free newsletter and the guy has been dead nuts on the money with his gold buy/sell calls. He issued a buy ASAP call yesterday for this Monday morning. He notes that if the buy signal is wrong, prices should fall Monday and the buy call will be negated.

Though I get a migraine when I try to read/understand his stuff, this week's message is perfectly clear. My hope is that he is perfectly 'right' as well!
thanks for the heads up!

I'm a hopeless Cubs fan. What happened this last season should never have happened Now they've done irrepairable damage as the best broadcaster in the business. Steve Stone, is gone. He made the game interesting even when the Tribune Co. had done their best to make sure it won't be.

Don't get me started on "hopeless"....... I 'own' hopeless! LOL!
My lovely wife first noted on opening day 2004 that "Sosa lost a lot a weight since last season." Little did I suspect that he lost some of his nerve too when he went off the "juice." They say it's tough to hit effectively when you've got your foot in the bucket and your ass in the on deck circle, but he sure seemed determined to stay away from the plate and, of course, was once again the same sucker for the "low and away" that he was in his earlier years before he discovered the Barry Bonds formula for instant bravery, sans padding, of course!

I blame Dusty for a lot of the tsouris that befell the Cubs, from not TELLING prima donna Sosa that he's hitting eighth if he doesn't gey squared away to the way he butchered the handling of his staff to not quelling the two crybaby anti Stone movement of Alou and Mercker which resulted in Stone walking away from a job he loved as much as he loved baseball.
Fwiw, I've known Stoney for years and he told me about a month from AZ that saying "no"... out of principle" when the job was finally offered to him was one of the hardest things he's ever had to do. He also believes that had A&M not started their "crap", that Carey would not have gone to Atlanta to be with hi dad. HAH!

I just hope Brenley isn't going to have a 'company man' style or I'll have to turn down the sound and listen to Jim and Ron on the radio. <gg>

Thanks for the post Denny. I enjoy your writing style.

Good luck