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12/23/04 6:38 PM

#12456 RE: Frank Pembleton #12452

It's only the uncontrollable aspect of the east that's helping you today. The bullish demand is there always as long as we're growing, but your central government, well, I mean my central government, well, it's not really mine either, it's just the one Quebec wants.....anyway, they keep increasing immigration and the perception of risk is created by their stupid ad for us to reduce a ton. Have you seen it? No suggestion that we could sell a little less to export, just be a good little unthinking sheeple but a little colder in the winter and a little warmer in the summer. F that, as long as all they want for those BTU's is paper or a little coloured tin, I'm staying warm. So you must keep making money out there cause Ottawa needs a lot of it to spend in the silliest ways. Sorry not much holiday spirit in that thought, so think of me as that hunter and Santa as the Feds and those reindeer as the provincial governments. Rudolph was there too making it nine so Alberta stands alone!

