Scanloni, valid question, here's a take I/you havent read:
1.) the "paper" miilionaires have no money left, its in the foundation of this FLD, a good strategy needs someone to build a solid foundation.
2.) the "paper Mills" want YOU(and other newby's) to do it to broaden(lower) the risk, because if the risk was across 10 "paper M's", the "cashing out" of 1 would cause the FLD not to work to its fullest potential
3.) the time for the squeeze is a hair trigger event away, so the added investment risk is not needed
4.) Last and certainly comic relief(the "paper M's" see no need to invest more, because..... lets say..... an earthquake gulped the MM's and SEC's paper trail on this FLD, then we would be out of evidence to enforce our "long" position---sort of a "the dog ate my homework" excuse which aint gonna happen here-----some people see a huge hole in the ground, some see a "GRAND CANYON")