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04/19/10 3:41 PM

#2089 RE: rodeodance #2088

So, here is another fine example of how the 'boys' shift positions and turn to each other to find another way to throw something else at the wall and hope it sticks,,,,,

This time they seem to have thrown Charlie against the wall and are hoping he sticks with their new hemp network play....

So he's not actually at mjna anymore as an officer, but he sure is tied to the ship of fools by the very hemp threads that binds these fools together...
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04/19/10 4:01 PM

#2090 RE: rodeodance #2088

It also has something to do with . Run this "530-470-9284" . I have 100 hits for globalfamily in my email collection.

"Ladies (Spread the word far and wide – just to your personal close network),

For those of you who have known me for awhile, you know that I believe that women should be running the world. My simple and quick description when explaining this is: If women were all of a sudden running everything and calling all the shots in every country on earth starting tomorrow – how many nuclear bombs, missiles, tanks and bazookas do you think they would build this month? How many schools would they build? How many hungry children in their country or any other country would they feed? This usually makes the point and if not I can expand endlessly on the reality of life when women emerge into their power and run things.

Rather than focus on the argument of why – I mostly focus on solutions – and my solution is to create 1,000 Millionaire Women who create 1,000 Millionaire Women each. By empowering women economically, I think the rest of this evolutionary trend towards the emerging feminine energy on the planet will be greatly enhanced and accelerated.

So with this in mind, I am launching a project which is a small step in this direction. It’s nothing huge – just something to make a statement and move this project forward: I am giving away 420 shares of stock in my public company (these are my personal shares not the company shares – so I don’t need anyone’s permission to do this) called Medical Marijuana, Inc. ( whose stock symbol is: OTC: MJNA to 1,000 cultural creative women.

Here’s how the program works:

1. The 1,000 cultural creative women who are going to get this stock have to send their name, address, phone, email, and social security (unless you want the stock in a company name then you need to send in the company name and tax ID number) to who is in charge of compiling the list of 1,000 women.

2. The cost of doing the stock transfer from the transfer agent is normally $30.00 (we use First American Stock Transfer in Phoenix, Arizona) and this is a cost I can’t afford to pay for 1,000 stock transfers – so each woman is in charge of paying this themselves. I did talk to Barry at First American and got the price for this program down to $22.00 if we submit the names all at once. So each person has to send a check to WE, LLC (Women’s Empowerment, LLC which is made up of the Women’s Council and formed to help facilitate my original ideas with their input on how it could work in a co-creative partnership) for $24.00 (it’s going to cost the extra $2.00 for doing all this work and I’m not one to hide any of the economic facts) and they will compile all the names and submit them all at once to the transfer agent on December 15, 2009 and you should all get your certificates shortly after that).

3. Make the checks out to WE, LLC and mail it to PO Box 683, Mora, NM 87732. You can see who these women are by going to as they are some of the co-founders of this non-profit organization.

4. The last thing you need to do to get your stock (which officially is a “gift” I am giving to 1,000 cultural creative women) is to sign up for our company news and updates so you can keep abreast of the updates of the company you’ll have stock in. This is called 144 Restricted Stock which means it can’t be sold for one year.

I think I’ve covered everything in this email – though there may be some things I forgot to cover. As of the time I’m writing this the stock closed at $.34 and if you multiply that by 420 it equals $142.80 so like I said in the beginning this is just a small step in what I am planning to do and it’s not a big deal for each individual woman – however I am giving away 420,000 shares of stock to do this project – and I’ll come up with more economic ideas and projects to economically empower women as things progress.


Bruce Perlowin

PS. Spread the news far and wide