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09/08/02 1:40 PM

#5628 RE: excel #5627

excel, with all due respect, how can you be so certain things are "fine" with the development of the NVEI tech? Are you basing that primarily on what Cooper has said publicly a while back or on recent private conversations with someone at the company? I'm not trying to go against the grain. I'm just curious. I do hope you are on target with your assumption. Sorry, I have to call it an "assumption" unless proven differently. Actually, what I am looking for is a bona fide "ray of hope" until the company sees fit to present the facts.


09/08/02 1:58 PM

#5629 RE: excel #5627

Hey Excel, the format you are using to respond to people has already been patented by a former NVXE poster. Old-timers will remember who I am talking about. As I am sure you are not copying him for any reason, it sure brings back some annoying memories.


09/09/02 12:01 AM

#5647 RE: excel #5627

Excel, you said......
First you say there are similar patterns with old management.

Than you go on to say Cooper has given us a timeline and so far we are on or ahead of schedule.

Your point is?

Brady says,

The point was we have be given timelines in the past concerning product development, mergers, and revenue, only to find the company slip into silence and then have those timelines come and go without those events occuring. Old patterns.

Now Cooper has given us a timeline and he says we are on schedule. And maybe we are. I find it funny though that John's emails suggest that timelines are not given anymore, and that we will be told about events after they have happened. Since John's emails are somewhat fuzzy (and I will admit that he probably has to word them that way as part of CYA)perhaps there is no contradiction there. But there is more than the hint of one.

Excel said............
I never have read the poem. Was not referring to the poem.
It was my own way of expressing myself.

Brady says
You may have never read the poem, but I doubt you came up with the phrase "the road less traveled" out of the blue, even if you think you did. It is a common phrase, and it's source is the Robert Frost poem. It might be worth your while to read the poem. Perhaps even learn the history behind it.

Excel said...........
Characterize any criticisim as bitching? Oh really?
I pointed out to SS to find me where Cooper said movie to be released in June because if he did Cooper had a huge brain fart for saying something about a business that in reality NV has no control over timelines.
So according to you............. SHAME ON ME!!!

Proper perspective is what I'm trying to point out here.

I would think by now I have hammered that point home by now but I guess not!

Guess you are hung up on the word bitching. LOL!

The board is open to all discussion.

Was your posts deleted? Hmmmmmmmm.

Brady says,

Actually I think I was making a plea for civil discussion. As far as my being hung up on the word bitching, I have found that it is a word more commonly used by effeminate men when they think they need to sound tough. LOL

Look, I want this company to succeed. I have quite a chunk of money tied up in this stock. I am rooting for this company to succeed. I hope you get rich. I hope Spokeshave gets rich. I hope everyone here gets rich. If Ray, Cooper and the boys are dealing sqaure with us, they will all be filthy rich, and that would be great. But if this company tanks, we, the common stockholders, are the ones that will end up with nothing. We are the ones taking the real risks. Therefore, I think it is reasonable to expect some questions coming even from the longs.