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04/16/10 5:04 AM

#1660 RE: Solar_Express #1655

Pony Express, as Moderator, I try to
be moderate which sometimes comes across
as less than enthusiastic, but if I were
not Moderator, I would be just like you,
I'm sure. So I am going to step outside
the role I play, and beg everyones
indulgence to have a little fun for a change
with a little more humor in my explanation.

The thing that everyone who is not on this
board does not know, is that the Tetrapod
Quantum Dot is a Super Dot!
I would rate it a 20 on a scale of 1 to 10.
I try to be conservative in my numbers, you know.

It's better so many ways-
and I have to apologize to everyone for my
really, "dry" translation of the Feb 4 Patent
posted in this sticky post:
High Points of the Feb 4, 2010 Patent
Synthesis of Uniform Nanoparticle Shapes
with High Selectivity

I must have been stone sober!

So I am going to try again, and translate my
translation of the patent, into better English.
Wait, gotta finish this beer. Ok, I'm ready.
No, let me get 'nother one, jusa minute. Ok. Ok.

Well, let's see here, what do I have to explain,
the title says it all,

Synthesis of Uniform Nanoparticle Shapes with High Selectivity

What's there not to understand? I mean really.

OK, here goes, QMC can make Tetrapod Quantum Dots
all the same size, length, width with up to 95%
conversion. Conversion means that they all come out
right with the right number of arms and legs, and
not irregular. That's important, because
the way everyone else is doing it, those other QD
come out every which way, with maybe a 50% conversion,
and they can't control the shapes to a high degree.
So that's pretty darn revolutionary.

And because they can control all that, they can make
TQD to an exacter frequency than others with less
variation (think bell curve) than others, so the
client, can make a more exact whatever than before.
Clients should love that. All their equipment is
precise, and now their TQD in their machines will
be precise!

Maybe the most amazing thing is that the QMC TQD
is a Tetrapod and not any other shape. They have
three legs like a tripod and one arm reaching up
to the sun, just like any Celt, Scottish, Roman or
Greek (Sparta only) Leader would hold up his sword
to the sky, when charging into battle. And then the
whole army, which covers the entire battlefield
does the same thing, hold their sword up to catch
the glint of the sun's rays and convert it into
fighting energy which courses through their warrior
bodies and energizes each of them, more and more
all the way to the ground. Well that's either a
metaphor or an analogy (same thing, really, I think, but
I always get them confused, so I leave it up to you)
for what the Tetrapod QD are doing. They catch the sun and
the photons become electrons, I don't know how, and
then through MEG - Multiple Exciton Generation, they
increase from one electron to as many as three or seven,
I don't know how, and I don't care, either. But luckily, they do,
and the shape of the Tetrapod is just damn perfect for
that because there are three legs, and no waiting. Zip!
The photon goes in and seven electrons come out. This means that
of the type of Quantum Dot they are, they are potentially more
efficient than other QD.As Big Daddy said in the movieBrother,
Where Art Thou?
, "Now We're Mass Communicatin'!"

These guys are also small, well, you know anything that
is measured in nanometers is small, and everywhere you
look, someone has a crossectioned picture of a single hair
and is saying "our nanoparticle is one/something of a
human hair, that's how small our nanosomething is!"
Well, as John Wayne would say,"Well, Pardner (he always
said Pardner) Our Tetrapod is smaller than your nanoparticle
and can beat it up, too!"
Our tetrapods are smaller than
most tetrapods because QMC can control the cooking of
the tetrapods better and control the length and width of the arms.
So, that means we can fit more on a solar panel, and more QD
mean more electricity produced. Those radio commercials
are right, "Gentlemen, size does matter", Smaller Size is better.
And they all stand straight up and don't need no little blue pill, either.
Let's see your nanoparticle do that!

Another effect is because of the efficiency, less TQD might
be needed in a finished product, saving the manufacturer
even more money! What, you say, that means less money for QMC,
when they use less TQD to make their product. But, I say,
it means less expensive product for the consumer, ultimately,
and the use of the TQD as the preferred QD in everything,
and ultimately, revolutionizing the world as expensive things
become inexpensive for everyone. In the solar field, what if
there was a solar panel or two given to farmers in Africa
to generate their own electricity and pump water up a well,
hook a computer up to the internet, heat water, recharge an
electric car or plower, doing work in a sustainable way,
so that the farmer could get out of hunger and poverty?

These are CdSe Quantum Dots, of a high order.
These TQD are royalty. NREL says they have potentially
the highest efficiency (electrical output)theoretically
than other types of QD, in the 60s percent, compared to
in the 40s percent area for others.
QMC's goal is to keep increasing the
efficiency of the product. You may have heard some other
companies use "multi-junction" solar cells, that layer
one chemical on another to increase efficiency. Well,
I just read a scientific paper that speculated on
layering a second layer of Tetrapod QD on a base layer
of Tetrapod Qd. Imagine if one electron is turned into
seven by the top layer, could the bottom layer turn
that into forty nine electrons? If that could happen,
that would blow the doors off Fort Knox for QMC.
(Note- this is pure supposition on my part - it could
happen, but it is a big if and who knows when far in
the future, if ever)

CdSe is Cadmium Selenide and the amazing
thing about that is that they are two common chemicals.
Everyone else is using some REE minerals, which have the
unpopular characteristics of being both expensive and
rare. REE minerals are only going to get more rare and
more expensive. So as these other companies build their
expensive factories, they will find out in a few years
that they don't have the stuff to make the panels with
anymore, or that the costs will outrun what they can
get for the finished product. Not a problem now.

First Solar uses CdTe successfully. Here is what Wikipedia
says about the Tellurium (Te):At the present time, the price
of the raw materials cadmium and tellurium are a negligible
proportion of the cost of CdTe solar cells and other CdTe
devices. However, tellurium is an extremely rare element (1-5
parts per billion in the Earth's crust; see Abundances of the
elements (data page)), and if CdTe were to be used in
sufficiently large quantities (for example, to make enough solar
cells to provide a significant proportion of worldwide energy
consumption), tellurium availability could be a serious problem.

Well, Puravida19, you say, maybe someday they will switch to
CdSe Quantum Dots like QMC makes, why not, it's a free country,
right? Yes, of course they can, but they cannot make them the way
we make them. Why not, you say, everyone makes Tetrapod Quantum
Dots, just read the literature. Yes, I say, but none is making
theirs with our patent pending Quaternary ammonium compounds
process and therefore, they will be making them at a cost over
200 times more expensive. Additionally, I say, none of them have
the additional, second process for mass production of Tetrapod
Quantum Dots that we have. That, my friends, is what you call the
Double Whammy. You can look it up.

Additionally, the patent says we can make other compounds into
Quantum Dots using this same process of chemical and mass production.
I'm sure we have been experimenting with other chemicals in Prof.
Wong's lab and will be excited to see what
they come up with because different chemicals may be better
suited for other uses, such as luminescence or fluorescence,
to use in displays. They could find other compounds could be
better suited for capturing the ultraviolet or infrared frequencies.
We have patent application in for the chemical
process and have contracted the mass production process and have
the rights to any improvements in the process we have made.
If First Solar wants to use our TQD, or make TQD our way, they would
have to pay us if we let them. (Pure supposition,
ROLF just thinking about it).

Finally, the last claim is that the CdSe compounds are biodegradable and safe,
and so are green and environmentally friendly.
And who doesn't like that!

That, in a humongous nutshell is the patent, and that's all folks!
