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04/15/10 7:18 PM

#17038 RE: Tha Dean #17037

I totally agree.

One rule of thumb i use. Any money i put into pinks (just like vegas) i consider that money gone before i even put it in the pink. So if i pull some out, it's like finding some money.

It works for me. But maybe not for someone else. Just helps me to not get emotional when im trading. Just like in vegas. Don't play off of emotions, play off of statistics and chances.

I just all im saying is that helps me to cope with my losses.
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04/15/10 7:46 PM

#17040 RE: Tha Dean #17037

Sir, i thought that i would post this link for you and others to see how a short squeeze actually works, it just takes time to happen. The market makers, are shaking the tree's very hard right now. However with persistence we can win this fight. All we got to do is keep the pressure on the crooked MM's.

If we could just bring others on board with this play, and hang on to it, than it could happen pretty quick, because several of us long players has already Bought a huge portion of the the float. And the good news is most of the seller's have already left the building.
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04/15/10 10:04 PM

#17055 RE: Tha Dean #17037

That Dean, thank you for your post. I, wanted to sell when the stock briefly crossed into pennyland on what seems like an eternity ago. I broke all my personal trading rules out of some sense of loyalty to other traders on this board. If I sold tomorrow, I would lose far less than some on the board. But it would hurt my bottomline. What has so discouraged me is that the MMs continue to control. Maybe they do so in the vast number of cases. But I really don't expect any news from the underlying shell company to pull our chestnuts from the fire. Short of some newsletter (PSC or some other) getting back in, I don't see a big run. We have been told and retold that this is a squeeze play, that is a short situation, that the charts are in our favor. But every afternoon when I look at my portfolio, it has taken another hit because of a declining ETLS stock price. This issue is unlike some other pinks and pennies I have and do play in that there is virtually no product, nothing really to hang a hat on in terms of hope down the road. It is a trader/MM issue. And in that joust, too often the MMs win. I am out of powder for now. I have not sold one share of this stuff. I see only more declines. I am sure I will receive an aggrieved private email, as I did today, telling me to sell out and go to the major stocks. I am not going to do that. But we need a break soon for many of us to continue to hang in here as one decline after another hits. I was somewhat encouraged that the price floor, at least for now is about 0.0025. Unfortunately, for many of us, our average is higher than that. Oh, well, welcome to pinkland!
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michael AA

04/15/10 11:35 PM

#17079 RE: Tha Dean #17037

The game plan needs to be simple and it will be effective.

Today the buys outnumbered the sales stopping the hemmorage. No excuses but the MM's did play this one and walked it down to get MURF into play. This happens. Over the last four trading sessions three new MM's popped up. This means there is interest in this stock

I will tell you that MM's smell blood, from each other. one or two trading houses are in trouble with shorts. These new MM's smell it and is waiting for the opportunity to buy. Yes everyone that does not know should understand that trading houses buy and cut the legs from each other when a short is on.

I will say to everyone. There is no major selloff. After two red days I knew this would gap down and see red, but the indicator says that the support is there. Volume is the key but only on the ask. Right now we do not need millions in buys at one time because the MM's will absorb that by shorting and trading places as the axe.

If you look at a certain stock called E**S that traded last week it ran to .004 and fell, never recovered. Thst is because a selloff took place without absorbing shares. People who had the money did not form a support line and it crumbled.

Everyone thinks just because a run is over the stock is dead. First of all you must build a line of defense even if it lowers the PPS. This line of defense is called a support line. This is where demand holds the fall. You place buys on the bid and stack the buy. This means as dumps go on, it will fall to your entry point. This is the classic mistake everyone makes in trading. They panic and sell instead of stacking the bid. Its like football. Does the quarterback have an offensive line? yes. Can the defense break through. Yes. but only in weakened areas (Panic and sell stops)

One place that line of defense. (look at how ETLS built support at the .0025 line for two days) that is, defenders (In trading parlance it is called averaging down) must be ready to stop the fall. yes everyone must be on the same page talking to each other. Even small buys stacked on the bid will stem a fall.

Second. Do not follow the crowd and sway with the tide. Mark your entry point (what you are willing to pay). Do not think instant millions in one session. That emotion will break you quick. Place some of your money on the support line (entry point). keep the rest for running the stock. This is a penny stock. Once a run is stopped it will fall back to a support line and hold if smart investors see something.

Third. once a run has started smack the ask. This causes the stock to run. Place your profit area on the ask during MOMO (momentum). This will keep the stock going.

Emotion, emotion, emotion is to be left at the opening bell, outside tied up with honey smeared on it with ants eating away at it. Make a plan, stick with the plan, adjust accordingly, and plan your exit strategy but with helping the stock not killing it by placing sells on the bid. Yes sometimes a stock plummets. If everyone knew what the market is going to do we all would be sipping Champagne, and eating caviar (first two years for me in the market, tap water and Bologna, my cat got croutons).

Tommorrow everyone who is still here must post and board. In todays communication world, IHUB top fifteen keeps you noticed) even if it is a two word post, please post. This allows newer investors or bashers (like our newest basher rehab graduate KingB) to see us up front.

Keep your sell orders for your share High (around .01 GTC) this will keep your shares in reachable territiory for the MM's. You can change sell orders with a click of a button. This allows for the MM's not to see your true exit strategy unless you are at work then set it were you are comfortable to gain some juice. When you see a lull, hit the ask. Stack the buys on the ask. If you have sell stops place them below the support line. Keep a small portion of your buy at the .0025 support line, but smack the ask. This keeps the support line going. As the stock rises, raise the support line. This is how you trap the PPS. I SAY AGAIN, THIS IS HOW YOU TRAP THE PPS, by raising support lines as the stock surges. Because some will take profit and it will fall back to the support line. If the support line is close to the bid, the smaller buys will absorb any bid wack. This is investing 101.

I hear many times it is the MM's. 90% of the time its us. we cause resistance lines to form, or support lines to crumble due to fear. Yes MM's manipulate your buys and sells but we cause the panic and they prey upon that panic. They are here for money, not your feelings.

If we can get a game plan tommorrow before opening bell please meet me here 20 minutes prior to opening for a quick down and dirty. If you cannot, send me a private e-mail.

Please do not think this is the cureall for this. It takes patience because we fell hard and now we have to rebuild support. This will take days, but the support line must raise gradually to trap the MM's into a higher PPS. Some days you will feel frustrated because somebody will need money for something. I do not think that everyone here is rich. If frustrated, go outside and play roughhouse with the neighbors pitbull. That will put you back into perspective.

And if we are going up feel free to let out a WEEEEEEEEEEEEE. its therapeutic.