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04/14/10 6:38 AM

#126261 RE: solarflux2 #126236

He just doesn't want to hype her up before she's ready.

Solar, you know darn well I know this already, I've been here a while now and i've heard this from many posters, and even Eric himself. Sheesh, those words have came out my mouth plenty of times as well. But since when does ALL realistic estimates get construed as hype? Is this the norm in every penny? Does NO real penny company ever estimate their growth potential(by the numbers) and PR it? I mean honestly, think about it. Based on the fact that we have a product that works, a business plan out of this world, and real potential here that can change lives; do you think the float would be as tight as it is without Eric demonstrating his characteristics through phone calls, Memos, emails, and in-person encounters? I can name a few companies who have great products with potential but will probably never amount to anything.

Without Eric's personal reassurance, many large holders would not still be here. Ask yourself, would the float still be as tight? With his displayed personality and Memos, comes non hyped PR's because why hype when you already have your investors attached.(with good reasons of course) Let's say Eric was like 90% of CEO's out there and was no where to be found. Would the same PR's, and the information type provided in them, be as effective. IMO no.

The point in which i'm trying to make everyone realize is that it's not uncommon for companies to make predictions in the form of numbers. If they can sit here and verbally say, "250 tracks in 2010", without having reached that number yet, why not use that same approach when it comes to estimates on revenue growth potential based on those supposed 250 tracks. No one knows how the market would respond to the realistic numbers given, so saying 1000's of percents and dumping thereafter isn't a sure thing when you are talking about WNBD; a totally different company, based on totally different merits.

The more you pump and dump the less likely you are to keep investors investing.

I'm not asking for pumps and dumps. Do the words "realistic revenue estimates" = pump and dump here in pennyland? I'm new to pennyland as of early last year so if this is the case please school me. Big Companies do it all the time, and IMO Eric's approach is reflecting them very well, minus the above topic of this post.