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04/13/10 7:29 PM

#139900 RE: Mattu #139899

Great! Looking much better.


04/13/10 7:39 PM

#139902 RE: Mattu #139899

Nice work Matt, the home page looks sweet.
I was wondering if at all possible after seeing that the homepage recognized who I was and posted "My favorites" up there with a scroll bar including all of them.
Could we make parts of it user friendly for premium members, like the news maybe have a drop down menu to select different news sites maybe some members exclusively like CNN or FOX or the NY Times.
Maybe give them the option to choose like three and lock them in so they are there every time that particular member loads the page again.
Maybe some members only do options or commodities and don't want to see the DOW. Maybe give that section the ability to change input feeds over to different segments of the market.
Market Sectors
Where all the different ticker symbols are listed, how about adding a "My Favorites" section and let users input their own tickers up to the max allowable and let them change them at will.

Thxs for considering,


04/13/10 8:11 PM

#139903 RE: Mattu #139899

" Thank you " ... !


04/14/10 1:37 AM

#139905 RE: Mattu #139899


I didn't know what to do for IHUB's 10th birthday so I decided I would just give you 10 birthday wishes!

Congratulations on your vision for this site and on a job well done.

Although I complain a lot, IHUB is still one of the best sites on the web.

Here's to 10 more! (If I'm still alive in 10 years)

Stock Stallion

04/14/10 9:06 AM

#139917 RE: Mattu #139899

Happy 10 Matt. Hope you have another 10! Home page is GREAT!


04/14/10 9:06 AM

#139918 RE: Mattu #139899

Congrats created an amazing place~