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04/13/10 5:03 PM

#2238 RE: bloodhound99 #2237

You hit the nail on the head Blood.....if I was a shareholder in this pile of pony dung, I would be mighty ticked that a company no no cash in the bank, little sales, and huge losses, would spend so much money (well, not really money, most likely dilutive shares) sending out press releases that mean absolutley ZERO to the performance of the company. It's a well known fact that the US infrastructure is aged and eroding. Don't need a daily press release for that. The FACT that there has not been ONE single metion of a contract related to any of these press releases is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

I guess it's a good thing there are so many stupid day traders who do nothing but look at irrelevant charts. At a price of $0.0073, how many smart chart readers out there are making thousands of dollars every day by shorting this stock?


04/13/10 7:26 PM

#2239 RE: bloodhound99 #2237

I did find it strange that they are announcing bridge failures but making no mention of whether they have been awarded the contract to repair it...