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04/12/10 10:48 PM

#33140 RE: RBlatch45 #33139

RBlatch: Over the next two years or so I would think that inflation adjusted bonds would hold up their value pretty well. I don't think the inflation kiccker will provide much extra, as you can't trust the government's inflation calculations. However, over then next couple of years capital preservation will be more important than yield. High yield corporate bond funds, which have been immensely popular lately, will be a losing trade. Toward the end of 2011 or in the early part of 2012, when the upcoming bear phase is winding down (i.e. when the S&P drops below 500), you should abandon all bond funds, inflation protected or otherwise, and shift 100% into ETF's which will benefit from a high inflationary environment. Things like precious metal ETF's, energy ETF's, enerygy and mining, steel, agriculture, etc. I can give you a more complete list when the time comes. Because when the upcoming deflationary downturn has run its course we will have a monster of a rally, and it will be led by those sectors I mentioned. The overall economy will be hurt substantially by the upcoming inflation and the resulting high interest rates. But gold will soar as it did in the late 1970's. Energy prices will rise to compensate for all the Dollars that Bernanke has printed over the last 2 years. I could see the equities markets at least doubling over the 2-3 year period commencing after the upcoming downturn has run its course. The inflation plays I mentioned could triple or better. I'm fairly confident we'll see gold prices go up at least 250%, and investing in the miners (GDX and GDXJ) provides leverage on top of that, so we could see those ETF's triple or better. You will want to have as few US Dollars laying around as you possibly can. Very little in the bank and no cash in your portfolios. Currency ETF's will be helpful as well. And I recommend buying physical gold and silver and taking delivery over the next 2 years. Down worry if the prices drop. Accumulation will be key. If you wait too long to accumulate physical precious metals you'll get shut out due to supply constraints (best case scenario) or due to government intervention prohibiting such purchases (don't trust the US Government). A shit storm is just over the horizon. People can choose to believe it or continue to live in fantasy land thinking it's all going to get better and that stock markets and real estate markets will only go up from here. The great deleveraging of 2008 - 2017?? has only complete Phase I. We have at least 2 more bear markets coming our way this decade. One will commence shortly.
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05/19/10 9:56 AM

#33570 RE: RBlatch45 #33139

No threat of inflation now.

Consumer prices dip 0.1 percent in April
Consumer prices dip in April for first decline in 13 months, pulled down by falling gas prices

The Labor Department reported Wednesday, May 19, that consumer prices edged down 0.1 percent last month, reflecting a big fall in energy prices. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)
Martin Crutsinger, AP Economics Writer, On Wednesday May 19, 2010, 9:39 am
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Consumer prices fell in April for the first time in 13 months as energy prices tumbled and retail businesses responded to high unemployment and low wage increases.

The 0.1 percent decrease in overall prices was pulled down by gas prices that are expected to drop further over the summer.

Core inflation, which excludes volatile food and energy prices, was flat in April, according to the Labor Department report issued Wednesday. Core inflation is up just 0.9 percent over the past 12 months, the smallest increase since 1966.

The recession in 2007 and 2008 has kept inflation tame, giving the Federal Reserve leeway to keep interest rates at historic lows to help jump-start economic growth. Some economists worry about the possibility of deflation, a destabilizing period of falling prices.

"With the unemployment rate so close to 10 percent, it is entirely understandable that the Fed wants to stick with its commitment to leave rates at near-zero," said Paul Ashworth, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics.

Ashworth said the Fed will not start raising interest rates until late next year and it's possible the first Fed rate hikes will not occur until 2012.

Economists had expected overall prices and core prices to edge up 0.1 percent in April.

The April drop in overall prices was the first decline since a similar dip in March 2009.

Energy prices fell 1.4 percent, the biggest one-month drop since March 2009. Gasoline prices dropped 2.4 percent. Analysts said they were looking for further declines in coming months as crude oil prices are down nearly 20 percent since April.

Food costs rose 0.2 percent, the same modest increase posted in March. Economists had expected a bigger increase because of a winter freeze on Florida vegetable and citrus crops.

Clothing costs dropped by 0.7 percent in April. The cost of new vehicles was unchanged last month. Airline tickets rose by 2.2 percent, one of the few areas to show price pressures last month.

Inflation at such low levels raises concerns of deflation. But most economists believe that threat remains remote. The overall economy has begun growing again and hiring is starting to pick up. The United States has not had to battle deflation since the 1930s.
