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04/12/10 9:07 PM

#74 RE: Mr. Zen #73

Sorry for being out of the loop lately. Trying to do too much in too little time, as I'm going in for cataract surgery on Wednesday. I'm just about caught up on everything and now I will take a long month's rest, except for walking.

Consciously, we have made investments, e.g., both Klondikes, in areas recommended by Don Coxe, James Dines, Jim Puplava, to name a few, and this is good company to back out convictions.

I believe that it has been despicable in how the world governments have inflated their currencies, but realizing this process, we have taken out financial insurance in the form of precious metals, energy, and other commodities.

Yes, it has been a long winter, for Klondike Gold and Klondike Silver, but the investment models, including properties and managements, should soon present what we had expected.
