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04/07/10 10:56 PM

#125540 RE: User-65225 #125523


"Now imagine those that flipped out of HANS under .25 with the expectation that it would pull back and never did?... If you follow a company CLOSE for years and miss a massive run, it sucks! I dont care how much you CLAIM to "take your emotion out of the market".... IT SUCKS!"

I was on the YAHOO board for Hanson's and at that point it was around .80 and posted many times that with the rumor of a Coke Cola take over it may go to $1.00-$1.20 on the rumor i never bought in as i didn't particularly like the product(never tried the product but always noticed that it only collected dust on the shelves) only 6 months or so it was trading in the $20.00 range? and went as high as $72-$80? or thereabout, like you i see the potential for mass consumer product on a National/International level like WinningBrands, accumulate smartly along the way and hold IMO.
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04/22/10 11:30 PM

#127198 RE: User-65225 #125523

Stocks Worth Waiting For - Article

what could be ahead for WNBD

Instant gratification is becoming more and more a part of our culture. Technology has allowed us to obtain information and services whenever we want them. Not sure what the word "indefatigable" means? Google can give you the answer in 0.02 seconds. Heck, you can download an entire music library from the comfort of your own home, and play it a few minutes later on your iPod while you're making a quesadilla.

With stocks, however, not much has changed over the years. Large fortunes are still built over years and decades, not minutes and hours.

When we take the time to research a company and make an investment, it would be nice to receive instant confirmation that we made the right decision. Unfortunately, it might take quite a while to receive that confirmation.

The mustard seed
It can be particularly trying to wait for smaller companies, especially in a topsy-turvy market like the one we've seen over the past couple of years, but the fact remains that while the larger companies have legions of analysts following their every move, small companies attract little or no Wall Street coverage. This means that even if the company is growing, the market might be slow to catch on.

For instance, in May 2003, one of the best stocks of the past 10 years, Hansen Natural, traded at approximately the same price it did in June 1998. During this period, the company ran a good business -- it increased net income by 67% and revenue by 97% and it posted a double-digit return on equity while ramping up its profitable energy-drink lineup.

But the best was yet to come. When Wall Street eventually realized Hansen Natural's growth potential and its strong brand, the stock soared. Today, it's up about 7,800% in just about seven years -- turning $10,000 into $790,000 today. Patient investors who saw the potential in Hansen Natural's growth strategy have been rewarded, to say the least.

How do I get those returns?!
OK, Hansen Natural might be an extreme example. After all, not many stocks jump 7,800% in seven years -- so I'll give you another example.

In July 2004, Fool co-founder Tom Gardner recommended Buffalo Wild Wings to Motley Fool Hidden Gems subscribers. He saw a rapidly growing $200 million restaurant chain with the potential to become a category killer in casual dining. Moreover, the company had $47 million in cash, zero debt, and high insider ownership.

Everything pointed to higher returns, but 10 months later, the pick had risen by only 9%. Despite the weak returns, Tom still felt strongly about Buffalo Wild Wings' potential and recommended the stock two more times to Hidden Gems subscribers during this period.

Sticking to his guns paid off: Buffalo Wild Wings has largely bucked this recession, and the original recommendation has since returned 280%