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Replies to #93659 on Biotech Values
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04/04/10 11:59 PM

#93665 RE: mcbio #93659

achn PI data

the president said something to the effect before that the difference in viral load drop between the 500mg BID dose and the 600mg BID dose is just noise

i agree and wouldn't make much of it. either they are at the top of the dose response, or they got 1-2 more nulls in the 600mg cohort. regardless efficacy is clearly where it needs to be

The president did make the statement that ACH-1625 produced the greatest log drop at 5 days among HCV compounds so hopefully there is some data out there that supports his assertions

i think this is posturing and wouldn't give this much weight. first of all telaprevir had comparable VL drop at 5 days, but you've got to look real hard - eyeball the graph in figure 2 at the 5 day mark from the following reference and you'll note about a 4 log drop

also the ns5a inhibitor from BMY likely has at least that much efficacy. i say this because even though the data may not be out there at 5 days, the drug had a 3 log drop after ONE dose - so i can't imagine it won't have >4 logs at 5 days..

don't get me wrong, 1625 is clearly a potent drug - but lets call a spade a spade - day 5 data is not a standard metric and some of the competing agents jsut ahven't disclosed data at day 5 specifically